Maryam Seyhoun: Curator & Lawyer

Maryam Seyhoun: Curator & Lawyer

Maryam Seyhoun - by QH

Maryam & Houshang Seyhoun

Maraym Seyhoun holds a masters degree in international law from Sorbonne University, Paris. She comes from an artistic family and is the daughter of Massoumeh and Houshang Seyhoun. In 2004, she opened the Seyhoun Gallery on Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood. The gallery has held exhiibitions of Iranian expatriate artists and artists based in Iran. Many of the artists have worked with her mother at the Seyhoun Gallery in Tehran. She also has assisted in the editing and translation of a book about the life of the late Shah of Iran. Seyhoun credits her family's support with enabling her to achieve what she has accomplished.


Interview (Real Video)

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Houshang Seyhoun
Massoumeh Seyhoun | Paintings
Iran Arts

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