Professor Richard Nelson Frye Lecture at UCLA Royce Hall - March 13, 2005

Professor Richard Nelson Frye Lecture at UCLA Royce Hall - March 13, 2005

Professor Richard Nelson Frye at UCLA Royce Hall - by QH

Professor Richard Nelson Frye at UCLA Royce Hall - by QH   Professor Richard Nelson Frye at UCLA Royce Hall - by QH   Professor Richard Nelson Frye at UCLA Royce Hall - by QH 

Professor Richard Nelson Frye and Dr. Niloofar Farnoody - by QH   Professor Richard Nelson Frye at UCLA Royce Hall at UCLA Royce Hall - by QH     Professor Richard Nelson Frye signing his latest book for fans - by QH 

Dr. Mahasti Afshar at UCLA Royce Hall - by QH   Dr. Hossein Ziai at UCLA Royce Hall - by QH Professor Shayegan gave a brief introduction - by QH  

Listen to an excerpt of the lecture - Real Audio (05:09)

Richard Nelson Frye is a well known scholar in central Asian studies who has written many books on Iran. Graduating from Harvard in 1946, he taught at Habibiya College in Kabul (1942-44), Harvard University (1948-90), Frankfurt University (1959-60), Hamburg University (1968-69), Pahlavi University of Shiraz (1970-76), and University of Tajikistan (1990-92). Prof. Frye founded the Center for Middle Eastern Studies as Harvard. He served as Director of the Asia Institute in Shiraz (1970-1975), was on the Board of Trustees of the Pahlavi University at Shiraz (1974-78), and Chairman, Committee on Inner Asian Studies, at Harvard (1983-89), and as Editor of the Bulletin of the Asia Institute (1970-1975 and 1987-99. Professor Frye has published numerous works, including: Notes on the Early Coinage of Transoxiana (1949); The United States and Turkey and Iran (with Lewis V. Thomas, 1951); The Near East and the Great Powers (ed., 1951); History of the Nation of Archers (1954); The Heritage of Persia (1962); Bukhara (1965); The Golden Age of Persia (1975); The History of Ancient Iran (1983); and The Heritage of Central Asia (1996). He was also the editor of Vol. IV of The Cambridge History of Iran (1975).

Source: LOC Kluge Center

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