Folk Wedding

Folk Wedding, Plummer Park - West Hollywood (July 18, 2010)

Sage Kahalnik, Marguerite Kusuhara, Gerianna Celi, Rowan Storm, Travis Jarrell, Cheryl Lynn Caddick, Rosa Rojas, Sandy Hollister - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Rowan Storm and Sozanda women's Ensemble

Maryna Hrushetska, Rowan Storm - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Rowan Storm, Madelyn Taylor, Maryna Hrushetska

Executive Director of CAFAM Maryna Hrushetska - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Introduction by Executive Director of CAFAM Maryna Hrushetska

Folk Wedding - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Entrance Procession

Folk Wedding - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Folk Wedding - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Folk Wedding - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Folk Wedding - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Folk Wedding - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Estonian Dancers - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Maypole Dance- LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Maypole Dance

Estonian Dancers - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Estonian Dancers - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Folk Wedding - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Rosa Rojas, Rowan Storm - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Rosa Rojas & Rowan Storm

Rosa Rojas - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Rosa Rojas

Rosa Rojas - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Rosa Rojas - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Rowan Storm - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Rowan Storm

Rosa Rojas, Rowan Storm - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Rosa Rojas & Rowan Storm

Folk Wedding - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

 - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

The Bride - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

The Groom - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Folk Wedding Bride & Groom - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Folk Wedding Bride & Groom

Folk Wedding Bride & Groom - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Folk Wedding Bride & Groom

Folk Wedding Bride & Groom - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Folk Wedding Bride & Groom

Armenian Dancers  - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Armenian Gypsy Folk Ensemble

Armenian Musician - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Armenian Gypsy Folk Ensemble

Armenian Dancers - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Armenian Gypsy Folk Ensemble

Armenian Dancers - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Armenian Dancer

Folk Wedding Bride & Groom - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Folk Wedding Bride & Groom - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Folk Wedding Bride & Groom

Armenian Dancers - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Armenian Dancer

Woman enjoying the program - LA (July 18, 2010) by QH

People enjoying the dance at Plummer Park - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Armenian Dancers - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Armenian Gypsy Folk Ensemble

Armenian Dancers - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Armenian Gypsy Folk Ensemble

Folk Wedding Bride & Groom - LA (July 18, 2010) - by QH

Folk Wedding Bride & Groom

Rakia Balkan Brass Band - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Rakia Balkan Brass Band

Travis Jarrell, Sandy Hollister - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Travis Jarrell & Sandy Hollister

Rosa Rojas - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Rosa Rojas

Rosa Rojas - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Rosa Rojas

Marguerite Kusuhara - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Marguerite Kusuhara

Marguerite Kusuhara - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Marguerite Kusuhara

Nancy Pearlman - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Nancy Pearlman

Estonian Woman - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Estonia Gypsy Folk Ensemble

Travis Jarrell, Rosa Rojas, Cheryl Lynn Caddick (center), Sandy Hollister (R) - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Sozanda women's Ensemble

Rowan Storm - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Creative Director Rowan Storm

Sage Kahalnik,Gerianna Celi, Travis Jarrell, Sandy Hollister, Rowan Storm, Rosa Rojas, Cheryl Lynn Caddick - LA (July 18, 2010)- by QH

Rowan Storm and Sozanda women's Ensemble

'Marriage is the ultimate bringing together, powerful enough to unite two people, two families, two villages or even two countries. Out of all the marvels of human existence, perhaps none is as wonderful as the expression of love and commitment. No matter the language or culture, the act of marriage is instantly recognizable.' Maryna Hrushetska, CAFAM Executive Director

'Folk Wedding is a special rite of passage, celebrating universal values of family, love, and commitment to one another in the living process of community. Whether it is through a marriage, a partnership of two or more individuals, or membership in the larger community, as each individual embraces responsibility for the whole, the whole honors and nurtures every point of view.' Rowan Storm, Folk Wedding Creative Director

Folk Wedding and Folk Art Everywhere are projects of the Craft and Folk Art Museum (CAFAM) of Los Angeles, designed to promote exploration of Los Angeles?s many cultures and neighborhoods by bringing art into the spaces of daily life. Think of it as a cultural treasure hunt that places beautiful and curious art objects from museums and collections in unexpected spaces?markets, theaters, coffee shops, bookstores, and the like?places where people naturally gather.

The project?s goals are to spark meaningful cultural discovery, stimulate social interaction, and to acquaint new audiences with the CAFAM.

For more information please visit

Bride & Groom: Rosa Rojas & Edouard Abadie

Traditional wedding dances by member's of wedding party:

Estonia - Gypsy Folk Ensemble
Uzbekistan - Rowan Storm and Sozanda women's Ensemble
Armenia - Gypsy Folk Ensemble

Live Music: Rakia Balkan Brass Band
Solo Dance and Drum performance: Marguerite Kusuhara and Jerry Summers
Creative Director of Folk Wedding: Rowan Storm and Madelyn Taylor

Sponsors: The James Irvine Foundation & City of West Hollywood

Julie Nelson & Gypsy Folk Ensemble ~
The mission of the Gypsy Folk Ensemble is to inform, educate and promote awareness of diverse cultures and peoples, through the medium of folk dance. Julie Nelson, Steve Theodore, Stepan Khorikyan, Nickie Hovhannessian, Rouben Hovhannessian, Liana Hovhannessian, Eeve Sork, Milton Guerrero

Ty Rust & Rakia Brass Band ~
Rakia Brass Band plays music from the Serbian, Macedonian, & Roma brass band traditions of the Balkans. Trumpets: Chris Schell, Jodi Gladstone, Cathy Ryan ~ Trombone: Ed Weiss ~ Baritones: Frankie Farrell, Willis Masonheime ~ Tuba: Ty Rust ~ Drums: Jerry Summers, Dylan Stecker

Rowan Storm & Sozanda Women's Ensemble ~
Sozanda Women's Ensemble is dedicated to the ancient power of the feminine principle, with frame drums, singing, dancing and storytelling
Dancers: Travis Jarrell, Rosa Rojas ~ Sozanda Choir: Cheryl Lynn Caddick, Geri Kelly, Marguerite Kusuhara, Sandy Hollister, Sage Kahalnick


Interview with Rowan Storm

Interview with Marguerite Kusuhara

Interview with Nancy Pearlman

Intro by CAFAM's Director Maryna Hrushetska & Artistic Directors

Entrance Procession & Maypole Dance by Estonian Dancers

Rowan Storm and Sozanda women's Ensemble & Uzbek Wedding

Armenian Gypsy Folk Ensemble

Related Links
Rowan Storm (Official Site)
Madelyn Taylor
Rakia Balkan Brass Band
Julie Nelson & The Gypsy Folk Ensemble
Rosa Rojas

Front Page