Pegah Ashrafi

Pegah Ashrafi: Vocalist

Maziar (Tombak), Pegah Ashrafi (Vocals), Hamid (Keyboard) (April 9, 2011) - by QH

Maziar, Pegah Ashrafi, Hamid (April 9, 2011) - by QH

Maziar, Pegah Ashrafi, Hamid

Born in Iran, Pegah Ashrafi studied traditional Iranian music under the guidance of Massoumeh Mehrali. She earned an M.A, Industrial Design from Politecnico di Milano. Pegah is pursuing a career as a jewelry and accessories designer in Los Angeles. She performs occasionally with Maziar, Hamid and other groups of musicians. Ashrafi sang lyrics from Banan and Ostad Shajarian at the CSUN culture show.


Watch excerpts of her performance & Interview

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