White House Report, August 9: Iran

White House Report, August 9: Iran

U.S. seeks global intervention in Iran's nuclear program

The international community, guided by leadership from the United States, "recognizes that we cannot afford to let Iran move forward on nuclear weapons," White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan told reporters August 9.

Concern over Iran's prospective development of nuclear capabilities has prompted the United States to work with the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to ensure that Iran complies with its international obligations.

Under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Iran has the right to develop nuclear power with IAEA supervision; however, there are mounting concerns that its program may divert into weapons production.

Citing U.S. collaboration with Britain, Germany, and France, McClellan said, "It was the United States that brought the concerns about Iran's nuclear weapons program to the international community, and the international community recognizes that this is a real threat."

According to news reports, Iran continues to deny the charges, insisting that the world has no reason to be suspicious about its nuclear objectives.

"We expect that at the next board meeting at the IAEA that there will be a very strong statement regarding Iran's continued non-compliance with their international obligations," said McClellan.

The next IAEA board meeting is set for September 13 in Vienna, Austria.

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