Institute for Political & International Studies (IPIS) "Call for Papers" The 16th International Persian Gulf Conference " The Persian Gulf : An Emerging Security Structure " Tehran , 27-28 February , 2006 Persian Gulf security presents the world and particularly under-developed countries with a unique model. As the region witnesses incessant changes in the military, political, economic and cultural spheres, new ideas and strategies are emerging. This calls for an examination and assessment of regional security needs and arrangements within a collective framework that encompasses the littoral states of the Persian Gulf. Thus, the features of emerging new security arrangements in the Persian Gulf, resulting from developments in the regional and international scenes, have the potential to impact upon the security realities of the region. With a view to laying the groundwork for a detailed analysis of the emerging security arrangements in the sensitive Persian Gulf region, the Center for Persian Gulf and Middle East Studies of the Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS) has devoted the 16 th International Persian Gulf Conference to the examination of the features of the Persian Gulf's emerging security arrangements. A lively dialogue and the exchange of ideas among an international group of experts and academics specializing in the Persian Gulf region will be of immense value in terms of opening new venues for real security cooperation. Leading to the establishment of enduring peace and stability in the Persian Gulf area. The topics for discussion by the participants are as follows: A: Strategic Topis - Changes in Persian Gulf security strategies following the occupation of Iraq - 21st century security models for the Persian Gulf - Changes in the concept of security and the status of the states of the Persian Gulf - New security guidelines adopted by the countries of the Persian Gulf region - The impact of ongoing developments on Persian Gulf security - The elements of balance of power in the Persian Gulf region - Security and asymmetrical threats (i.e. weapons of mass destruction; terrorism) in the Persian Gulf B: Political and military-related topics - Changes in European policy toward the Persian Gulf region - Alterations in US policies vis-a-vis the Persian Gulf - New military developments in the Persian Gulf region - Unilateralism, multilateralism and extra-regional powers in the Persian Gulf - US policies in the region and their consequences for the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf region - Iraq, democratization, religion and the future system of government - The member states of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and the tentative military scenarios entertained by foreign powers C: Economic, Social and Cultural Topics - Oil and gas: the strategic cooperation of regional countries - Oil and security in regional and international equations - The interaction of social and cultural reforms with security in the Persian Gulf - The impact of economic cooperation on developing a secure Persian Gulf region - International immigration and its impact on the economic, social and cultural issues in the Persian Gulf region - New economic, social and cultural approaches and their impact on the Persian Gulf D: Guidelines for submitted papers Papers must be devoted to examining a single topic; they must approach the issue from a practical orientation and be fully documented and with references fully indicated Papers must be original and may not reproduce material presented in previous conferences. They should be typed on Microsoft Word 2000 and their length may not exceed 15 pages. Researchers and academics are invited to submit abstracts of their papers in a single, typed A4 sheet, along with a copy of their C.V. The abstracts must be received by the secretariat of the conference no later than 22 November 2005, and the complete article no later than 20 January 2006. They may be faxed or emailed to the number and address provided below. It should be noted that the organizing committee of the conference makes the final decision regarding whether a paper is accepted. Address: Tehran, Shahid Bahonar (Niavaran) Street , Shahid Aqhaee Street (Institute for Political & International Studies) Post Box : 19395/1793 Tel No: (+ 98 - 21) 22802654 Fax No: (+98 - 21) 22802649 E-Mail: or website: