Iran Business - اطلاعات بازرگانی ایران

Iran Business Resources

  Aid/Debt profile | Official Sites | Energy | Risk Assessment | US Sanctions | Business and Financial News | Oil and Gas News | Trade | Doing Business Guide | Foreign Trade & Investment Commission | Int. Chambers of Commerce | Commercial Attaches | Business & Trade Law | Trade Sanctions | Regional Economic Cooperation | Industries | Management | Company & Industry Info | Agriculture | Fisheries | Water Resources | Automotive | Auditing | Banking | Banks | Information & Communications Technology | Communications & Internet | Defence & Aerospace | Space Program | Oil & Gas | Human Resources | Informatics | Insurance | Free Trade Zones | Free Special Economic Zones | Mining | Power | Real Estate | Transportation | Securities & Exchange | Tourism | Other Industries | Privatization | UN Reports | Thematic Maps | Statistics | Business Associations Abroad | Business Directories | Embassies

Business & Economy
Global Business & Economy
Middle East Business & Economy

Iran Industry and Mining - CIA Map


Economic Profile
World Bank Group: Iran-A wealth of economic information about Iran.
Iran Data & Statistics (World Bank)
Iran Overview (World Bank)
Ease of Doing Business in Iran, Islamic Rep. (World Bank)
Economy Profile of Iran (World Bank)
World Bank publications, documents & reports, and project searches.
Search for "Iran." (World Bank)
Iran and the IMF-International Monetary Fund's current report on Iran.
IMF: Iran Country Data-Provides latest staistics on Iran.
Islamic Republic of Iran: Financial Position in the Fund | Statistical Appendix
Iran Library Resources on Economic Issues - Selected Topics (IMF and World Bank Group)
Iran: International Finance Corporation
Iran (ITC)
Financial Action Task Force (FATF): Iran
UNdata | country profile | Iran (Islamic Republic of
Iran Profile: WTO | PDF
Country Briefing: Iran (Economist)-The most comprehensive economic report on Iran. Access to some sections is available by subscription.
Iran: The Economist Intelligence Unit--Access to information is available by subscription.
Iran Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption (Heritage Foundation)
Iran | Economic Indicators (Trading Economics)
Iran Economy (EconomyWatch)
Iran in facts and figures (BBC)-Provides a gerneral overview.
Iran country profile (LOC)
U.S. Library of Congress-Provides background information on Iran.
Iran's Economy (CRS June 2008)
Economy - overview (CIA)
Iran Economy: IndexMundi
UN IR Iran
Economic Trends (Central Bank of Iran)-Key economic ratios and long-term trends.
Iran: Directory of Development Organizations (PDF)
How Iran Finances Itself (FTZ)

Aid/Debt profile
OECD-DAC Aid at a Glance

Official Sites
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance (Persian)
Vice Ministry of Economic affairs and Finance
Organization For Investment, Economic & Technical Assistance
Iran Investment Opportunities
Economic Research Institute (Ministry of Finance & Economic Affairs)
International Iranian Economic Association (IIEA)
University of Economic Sciences-Merged with Kharazmi University in 2015.
Secretariat of Supreme Council on Anti-Money Laundering

Iran's Economy-Report by the Department of Energy-Focuses on Oil & Gas and economic news.
EIA Country Analysis Brief (Full Report)-Provides data, forecasts, country analysis brief and other analysis. | PDF
Natural Gas Exports from Iran (EIA)
IEA - Iran-Provides country profile, statistics, graphs and Publications and Papers (IEA).
Caspian Sea Regional Country Analysis Brief (U.S. Department of Energy)
Caspian Sea Oil (Princeton University)-Energy and the environment in the Caspian states.
Caspian Energy Project (CSIS)-Analysis by the Center for Strategic & International Studies.
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Iran Facts & Figures (OPEC)
OPEC Revenues Fact -Provides OPEC Oil Export Revenues

Risk Assessment
Iran's Credit Rating-Analysis of Iran's credit rating.
Exposure Fee Advice Iran (Export-Import Bank of the United States)
Iran - Moody's
Risks in business dealings with Iran (FINMA)
Commercial Risk in Iran (ERG-Switzerland)-Commercial risk for Iranian Banks.

Iran: Transparency International

US Sanctions
U.S. Sanctions Biting Iran (CFR)
An overview of the Foreign Assets Control Regulations relating to Iran-By U.S. Department of Treasury.
CISADA: The New Sanctions on Iran-By U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control.
Iran Sanctions (EXIM)
World Energy Sanctions (U.S. Energy Information Administration, April 29, 1999.)
U.S. Government Reports

Business and Financial News
Press TV-Latest news on Iran's Economy.
Abrar Economic (Persian)
BBC Persian Business
Bourse & Bazaar
Donya-e-Eqtesad (Persian)-Features daily economic news.
Economic News Agency
Financial Times: Middle East & Africa
Financial Times: Iran
Financial Tribune (English)
Iran Business News (English)
Iran Daily Business News
Iran's Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance News Centre
Iran Business News (EIN)
Iran Economy Magazine
Iranian Economy (Newsnow)
Iran Exports-Bimonthly trade magazine focusing on foreign trade and economic issues. Includes oil and gas updates.
IRNA Economy (English)-The official news agency of Iran is a very reliable source of information about official economic news in Iran.
IRNA Economy (Persian)
Iran Business News (IRXP)
Iran: The Banker
Iran International-Focuses on the economy, trade and industry.
Iran Investment Monthly
Daily Market Summary (Tehran Stock Exchange)
Securities & Exchange News Agency
Financial Information Processing of Iran (FIPIran)
Foreign Exhange Rate - Official Rate (CBI)
Foreign Exhange Rate - Market Rate
Donya Eghtesad
Iran Bourse (Persian)
Jahan Sanat
Kayhan International
Meed: Iran
Mehr News: Economy
Moj News (Persian)
Techrasa (Startup & Tech Media)
VerityIran (English/Persian)

Oil and Gas News
Press TV-Latest news on Iran's Energy Sector.
Iran Oil & Gas (Google News)
Petroenergy Information Network (P.I.N.)-Provides up to date news on Iran's Petrochemical industry and related energy industries.
Iran News (EIA)
Alexander's Gas and Oil Middle East News-Articles are updated twice a month.
CNBC Oil and Gas-Provides the latest energy news from major wires.
CNN Commodities (Oil Prices)
The Energy Intelligence Group-Features news, data, and analysis on the energy industry.
Iran Oil and Gas News-Posts headlines and feature articles on the Irainan energy indursty.
Iran Oil and Gas-Latest news about the Iranian oil and gas industry.
Oil and Gas International (Subscription Required)
Oil & Gas Journal-Provides up to date news of the Oil & Gas industry.
Oil & Gas Newsfeed
Oil & Gas Online-Features news and information on international petroleum industry.
Schlumberger-Provides oilfield services and IT consulting.
World Oil Magazine-Covers oil and gas exploration, drilling and production news.
WRTG Economics (Oil News)-provides data, analysis, planning and forecast services primarily for the energy and petrochemical industries.

Iran Trade Point Network (Iran)-Very comprehensive trade guide.
Ministry of Commerce (English/Persian)
Irancode Portal (Ministry of Commerce)
Organization of Investment Economic and Technical Asssistance of Iran
Export Guarantee Fund of Iran-EGF provides exporters with credit guarantees and export insurance policies.
Government Trading Corporation of Iran -G.T.C. is affiliated to the Ministry of Commerce and assigned to import essential commodities.
Iran Chamber of Commerce-industries & Mines (English/Persian)-Comprehensive coverage of trade subjects.
Iranian Scientific Commerce Association (ISCA)
The Commerce Printing and Publishing Company
Trade Publications
Economic Commercial Committee of Supreme Council of Iranian Affairs Overseas
Institute For Trade Studies And Research
Iran National E-Trade Bridge-Created under the scheme of International Trade Centre's E-Trade Bridge Programme for Small and Medium Size Enterprises.
Iran: Trade Information Center (US Department of Commerce)
Iran's Foreign Investment Manual
Iran exports, Imports, and Trade Partners (OEC)
Iran, Islamic Rep. Trade Statistics | WITS
Iran: FITA
Iran Trade Performance (UNCTAD)
Iran Exports By Country (Trading Economics)
Iran Imports By Country (Trading Economics)
Atieh International-Private strategic consulting firm.
Iran Trade Network
Iran: Emerging from Conflict (The Stanley Foundation)
International Commerce Center of Iran-Directory of Iranian Commerce, Trade, Business, E-Commerce.
Iran Investment News-Affiliated to Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mine.
Iran Export-Comprehensive export guide.
Iran Export-Import Regulation Act 2007
Iran Fair (International Exhibitions Co.)-Exhibition calendar, current events, and rules and regulations.
Iran: Middle East Events-Covers events, exhibitions, seminars and trade shows.
Iranian Inc. for Contemporary International Conferences & Fairs (IICIC)-Features domestic and international gatherings and trade shows.
Iran Logistics Society
Iran Tender
IDRO International Trading Co -International trading company focusing on export and promotion of Iranian manufactured goods and services.
KISH Trade Promotion Center
Penn World Tables: Iran
TradePort: Iran

Doing Business Guide
Iran Business Responsibility-A non-profit initiative that encourages and guides companies to act responsibly when doing business in Iran.
Doing Business in Iran (World Bank)
Economy Profile Iran, Islamic Rep. (World Bank)
Business Reforms in Iran, Islamic Rep. (World Bank)
Doing Business in Iran (The Economist Intelligence Unit )-Covers news, market profile, E-readiness ranking and much more.
Doing Business in Iran (Persian)
Doing Business in Iran (Communicaid)-Covers import licensing, tariffs and taxes, foreign exchange, methods of payment, pre-shipment insp. & documents samples and advertising matter.
Doing Business in Iran (Dayarayan) | Iran at a Glance
Doing Business in Iran (Fortune)
International business in Iran (Alliance Experts)
Doing Business In: Iran (Legal500)
What to Know About Doing Business in Iran (Harvard Business Review)
Iran Business Etiquette

Foreign Trade & Investment Commission
Iran - Country Information (Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade)
Iran Profile (Australian Trade Commission)
Iran: UK Trade & Investment
Doing business in Iran: trade and export guide (UK Trade & Investment)
Canadian Government: A Guide to Doing Business in Iran
Canadian Sanctions Related to Iran
Iran - Export Development Canada (EDC
The iranian business environment and cultural etiquette (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark)
Iran: exportation, exporter, vendre, implantation, investir, s'implanter (France. Ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Iran - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs - France Diplomatie
Iran-India 1961 Trade Agreement
Iran - Indian Trade Portal
Japan-Iran Economic Relations (MOFA Japan)
Trade-India: Iran
EU-Iran Trade Relations (European Union) | Trade Statistics
EU-Iran Latest Trade Statistics
EU restrictive measures against Iran
EU-Iran Treaties
Council conclusions Iran 2004-2008
Iran: Country information at the Dutch Export Site.
Germany's Economic relations with Iran (Auswärtiges Amt)
Germany Exports to Iran (Trading Economics)
Iran: Country Brief - Trade New Zealand
Doing business with Iran - Trade New Zealand
Iran Sanctions: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
ITC - Iran
Iran Hot Country Page - USDA Foreign Agricultural Service
Iran: BIS - Department of Commerce
Trade in Goods (Imports, Exports and Trade Balance) with Iran (US Census Bureau)
Stat-USA (Subscription)-Provides official trade information.

Trade News

Int. Trade Events
The Europe-Iran Forum

International Chambers of Commerce
Australia and Iran Chamber of Commerce & Industries
Iran, Belgium & Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce
Indo-Iran Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Iran & Britain Joint Chamber of Commerce-Promotes Bilateral Trade and Investment.
Iran Canada Chamber of Commerce
Chambre Franco-Iranienne de Commerce & d'Industrie (CFICI)
The German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce
Iran-Italy Chamber of commerce Industries and mines (IICCIM)
Nordic Iranian Chamber of Commerce - Copenhagen (NICCC)
Norwegian Iranian Chamber Of Commerce
Scandinavian Iranian Chamber of Commerce
Swedish-Iranian Chamber of Commerce (SICC)
Iran - Switzerland Chamber of Commerce

Commercial Attaches
South Africa

Business & Trade Law
Trade Laws-Comprehensive coverage of trade laws in Iran.
Foreign Investment In Iran
Foreign Investment Law and requlation
Iran Chamber of Commerce Newsroom
Laws and Regulations (IRTP)-Banking laws
Iran Export-Import Laws and Regulations of 2011
Iran's Customs Regulations
Regulations on Exports, Imports
Commercial Code of Iran | Persian
Iran's Taxation System
Taxation in Iran
Copyright Law (UNESCO Translation)
Iran: WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization-In Adobe PDF-Format.
IP Laws of Iran (WIPO)
Ratification by the Islamic Republic of Iran of the Stockholm Act (1967) - WIPO
Trademark laws of Iran-By an Iranian business law attorney.
Iran Labour Law (ILO)
Free Trade Zones Law & Regulation (IFITZ)
Iran Foreign Investment Company (IFIC)
Iran Trade Law Forum
Foreign Investments in Iran
Full Text of New Law on Encouragement and Protection of Foreign Investment (July 8, 2002)
The New Foreign Investment Law (August 2000)
Iran: Foreign Investment Debate Heats Up (RFE/RL)
1955 Foreign Investment Law

Law Firms

US Trade Sanctions
Sanctions Program Summaries - Iran-By U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control.
Sanctions Against Iran (Global Policy)
World Energy Sanctions (U.S. Energy Information)
Iran-Libya Sanctions Act (U.S.)

Regional Economic Cooperation
D-8 - Iran
Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
ECO Member states: Iran
The Economic Cooperation Organization (IMF)

Iran Center for Management Studies
Iran Project Management Association
Association of Iranian Management


Associations & Institutions
Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO)
Iran Industrial Estates Corporation
Industrial Management Institute
Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI)
Iranian Organization of Scientific & Technical Research (IROST)
Iranian Engineering Development Co.
Gostaresh Sanat Newspaper

Company & Industry Information
List of companies of Iran
Industrial Information Network (Persian)
Profile of Companies (Iran Yellow Pages)
Iranian Corporate Information-Provides links to information about Iranian companies and industries.
Iran Business Profile (France)
Iran Company Laws and Regulations Handbook

Ministry of Agricultural Jahad
Iranian Agriculture News Agency (Persian)
Agricultural Research and Education organization (AREO)-The research arm for the Ministry of Agricultural Jahad.
Agricultural Planning, Economic and Rural Development Research Institute
Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute (SCWMRI)
Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran
Agricultural Bank of Iran
Agricultural Insurance of Iran-Protects farmers against crop losses due to adverse weather conditions.
Iran Agro Food-Provides agriculture and food information.
Iran Grain
Iranian Agricaltural Economics Society
Agriculture and Food: Iran (WRI)
Iran Saffron
Iran Sericultuer Co.
Agriculture to Iran (Australian Trade Commission)
Iran: At a Glance (Agri-Food Canada)-Provides statistics on Canada-Iran Agri-Food Trade.
Iran Export Requirnment (USDA)-Eligible and ineligible products.
Crop Explorer (USDA)
Attache Reports (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Iran Profile (Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators)
Iran: FAO
Profile (FAO)-Provides general information, maps, link to resources and news.
Iran: FAO Fact Sheet
Agricultural Census 1988 - UN FAO (PDF)
The State of Agriculture - UN FAO (1998)
Iran Forest Resources (FAO)
Agriculture, Horticulture & Fisheries Market in Iran (UK)-Provdies an overview of the industry and describes the characteristics of market.
Iran - Agriculture - Production, Consumption, Imports, & Exports
Investigation the Potential of Investment in Agricultural Sector of Iran
Iranian Agriculture and Salinity
Future of Iranian Agriculture (World Bank)
Agriculture and Food-- Islamic Republic of Iran
Iran Cotton Union
Iran, Islamic Republic Of Cotton Production by Year
Iranian Date and Its Market in the World

Iran Fisheries Network (Persian/English)
Law and Regulations
Iran Fisheries Research Organization (Persian/English)
Iranian Fish Database
Fisheries (Iranica)
Caspian Caviar
Law of Exploitation and protection of the Aquatic Resources (FAO)
Iran Fisheries Profile (FAO)
Commercial Fishing & Seafood Industry Contacts
Freshwater Fishes of Iran
The Status of Tuna Fisheries in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Projects - Iran, Islamic Republic of : Fisheries Project (World Bank)
Consultancy on fisheries development, Iran (FAO)

Water Resources
Iran Water Resources Management Organization (Persian)
Water News Network (Persian)
National Water And Waste Water Engineering co.
Iran Water Resources Research
Water Research Institute
Iranian National Committee on Large Dams
Water Resources and Freshwater Ecosystems: Iran (WRI)
Long-Term Development Strategies for Iran's Water Resources (WRM)
Aquastat Iran Water Resources (FAO)
Water Resources and Quality in Iran
State of water resources in Iran
Contribution of IRAN On Implementation of IHP-V (UNESCO)
Watershed Management Plan For KARUN River in Iran
Water in Iran (1UpInfo)
IWMI Country Activities - Iran
Water Policy Development in IR of Iran (Inpim Org)
Iran: World Bank To Support Urban Upgrading, Water Supply And Sanitation
Iran: Water Supply and Sanitation Project
Charging for Irrigation Water: The Issues and Options with a Case Study from Iran (Perry) (World Bank Group)
Water Resources (Pahlavi Era)
From Wetland to Wasteland (NASA)
Population surge threatens water supply in Iran (WaterWorld)
Warming, Water Crisis, Then Unrest: How Iran Fits an Alarming Pattern
Iran speaks up for water rights (BBC)
Iran-Kuwait water plan unveiled (BBC)
Iran facing drought catastrophe (BBC)

Automotive Industry in Iran-Brief history and background information on the automotive industry.
Market Overview of Automotive Sector in Iran (Italian Trade Agency)
Automotive Industry Market in Iran (UK)-Provides a historical background, a review of current industry conditions and tips for doing business in Iran. Growth, Trends and Forecasts.
Automotive Industry and Market of Iran 2007
Iran?s Troubled Auto Industry (Iren Primer)
Iran Automotive News (Financial Tribune)
Iran Khodro Industrial Group-Established in 1962, it manufactures a variety of vehicles and parts for domestic use and exports.
Iran Khodro News
Renault Pars-A joint venture company which coordinates cooperation between Renault and Iran Khodro & Saipa.
BMW Importer
Iran Auto Parts Manufacturing Association-Established in 1995, IAPMA is an association of manufacturers involve in the production of automotive parts and components.
Iran's car industry-Iran (Video)
Tehran International Automotive Fair

Iranian Certified Accountants

Central Bank of Iran-Responsible for Iranian monetary policy, issuing banknotes and coins, regulating and supporting Iran's principal systems for clearing and settling payments.
Banking Law (CBI)
Monetary Policy (CBI)
Laws & Regulations (CBI)
Payment Systems (CBI)
Central Bank Regulations on Imported Goods
Banking and Finance (TPO)
History of Banking in Iran-The Internal Publication of Bank Tejarat Winter 1998.
A Review of History of Banking System in Iran-Bank Quarterly
Banking Industry Iran (ILIA Corporation)
Banking in Iran (Iranica)
Iran Banking Institute
Islamic Banking: Interest-Free or Interest-Based?
Top Banks in Iran (CFI)
Islamic Money and Banking
Islamic Banking (List of Banks)

Ansar Bank
Bank Day
Eqtesad Novin Bank
Export Development Bank of Iran (Government Owned)-Established in 1991 with the objective of expanding non-oil exports and encouraging economic and commercial interchanges with the other countries.
Bank of Industry & Mine (Government Owned)
karafarin Bank
Bank Keshavarzi (Government Owned)-Agricultural bank of Iran.
Bank Maskan (Government Owned)
Bank Mellat
Bank Melli (Government Owned)
Parsian Bank
Bank Pasargad
Bank Refah
Bank Saderat-Established in 1952, the bank has one of the largest networks of banks in Iran and the Middle East.
Bank Sarmaye
Bank Sepah (Government Owned)
Bank Sepah (UK)
Bank Shahr
Bank Tejarat
Credit Lyonnais en Iran
Post Bank of Iran (Government Owned)
Saman Eqtesad Bank-Private bank established in 1999.
Tose'e Ta'avon Bank (Government Owned)
Iran Banks

Investment Banks
Amin Investment Bank
Griffon Capital
Novin Investment Bank Group

Information & Communications Technology
Ministry of Information & Communications Technology
Data Communication of IRAN (DCI)
Telecommunications Company of Iran
Iran Telecommunication Research Center
Iran ICT
Post Co. of Iran
Iran Space Agency-Provides production and distribution of satellite data.

Communications & Internet
Iran: Communications (CIA Fact Book)
Communication in Iran (Trade Partnes UK)
ICT at a glance (World Bank)
Iran Net (Internet-Iran)-Services include domain registration and name hosting.
Iran Communications 2000
History of the Interet in Iran
Internet Censorship in Iran: A First Look (PDF)
Internet Filtering in Iran in 2004-2005: A Country Study
Status of the Internet in Iran
The Internet in revolutionary Iran
Iran's Telecom and Internet Sector
Iran Mobile Network-Iran Mobile Phone Information Network
Iran opens up mobile phone market (BBC)
MTN 'in Iran mobile network deal' (BBC)
GSM Coverage in Iran
National Security and the Internet in the Persian Gulf Region: Iran
Network Startup Resource Center (Internet-Iran)-Links to various resources.
Iran Ecommerce-Provides an opportunity for businesses to buy and sell their products and services by identifying the consumers and suppliers.
Management Information and Communication Promotion Center
Foreign computer companies in Iran

Defence & Aerospace
Aerospace Industries Organization (A.I.O.)-Engaged in the research, design, development and manufacture of missiles and aerospace projects.
Iran Aircraft Manufacturing-Engaged in the design, development and manufacture of the AN-140, Abadil and Sanjaghak aircrafts.
Defence Industries Organization (D.I.O.)-Established in 1924, D.I.O. produces a wide range of military equipment.
Ammunition Industries Group (AMIG)-Designs, develops and manufactures a full range of ammunition and small arms.
Iran Electronics Industries (IEI Military)-Designs, develops and produces electronics for aerospace and military applications.

Space Program
Iran Space Agency-Provides production and distribution of satellite data.
Iran and Space Communications (Global Security)
Iran's Space Plans
First Iranian satellite launched (BBC)
Iran launches satellite carrier (BBC)
Iran plans to launch humans into space (Newscientist)
Iran's space program Emerges from Dormancy (Washington Institute)
Iranian Space Program 2011 (Video)
Iran's space program (Mehr News)

Oil & Gas
Ministry of Petroleum
National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC)
NIOC Subsidiaries
National Iranian Gas Company
National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC)-Latest news about NISOC contracts and tenders.
National Iranian Drilling Company
Research Institute for Petroleum-Established in 1959 as a subsidiary of NIOC, focuses on R&D .
National Petrochemical Company of Iran-Responsible for the development of Iran's petrochemical industry. The site provides an annual report, background information on the industry, R&D activities and more.
Institute for International Energy Studies (English/Persian)-Established in 1991, IIES promotes energy studies in Iran.
Iranian Association for Energy Economics (English/Persian)-Established in 1995, IRAEE aims at examining and researching projects regarding energy economics and energy-related issues.
Iranian Offshore Engineering & Construction Co.-Established in 1993, IOEC is a general contractor in offshore oil & gas projects.
IEA: Iran
Oil, Gas, Refining & Petrochemical Market in Iran (Trade Partners UK)
Iran Petroleum Magazine

Human Resources
Ministry of Cooperative Cooperative, Labor and Social Affairs
Employment Law
Human resources in Iran: potentials and challenges
Iran Unemployment Rate (Trading Economics)
Why Iran is finding it hard to create jobs (The Economist)
Atieh Roshan-an independent Strategic Human Resources Consulting firm.
IranTalent- Specializes in providing qualified bilingual staff for Iranian companies and international firms operating in Iran.
Job Iran-Features job search, career news, company profiles, and resource center.
119-Online Job Database

High Council of Informatics (Persian)
Informatics Society of Iran (Persian)
Iran Informatic Companies Association (Persian)

Insurance Industry in Iran-Provides background information, statistics, and future prospects for the industry.
Private insurance companies in Iran (Press TV)
Insurance law in Iran
The Privitization effects on Iran Insurance Industry
Insurance Investment Climate (Iran Export)-Provides background information about the industry and companies.
Bimeh Markazi Iran (Central Insurance Of Iran)-Responsible for regulating the insurance industry in Iran. The site provides comprehensive information about the insurance industry in Iran.
Agricultural Insurance of Iran-Protects farmers against crop losses due to adverse weather conditions.
Alborz Insurance (Iran)-Established in 1959, Alborz insurance is a general insurance company.
Bimeh Asia (Iran)
Dana Insurance (Iran)-Established in 1967, Dana insurance is one of the largest private insurance companies in Iran.
Day Insurance
MMoalem Insurance-Formerly Known as Export and Investment Insurance Comapny (EIIC). Protects exporters and investors against commercial and political risks. Iranian insurance companies are the shareholders of EIIC.
Iran Insurance Company-Established in 1935, Iran insurance is a state owned company.
Karafarin Insurance-First private non-governmental organization insurance company in the main land of Iran.
Medical Service Insurance Organization (MSIO)-Provides insurance for government employees, self-employed and rural households.
Mellat Insurance
Novin Insurance
Parsian Insurance
Rahavard Insurance Company
Sina Insurance
Marching Towards Privatization (Middle East Strategies)

Free Trade Zones
Secretariat of the High Council of Iran Free Trade-Industrial Zones
A Review of the Law of "Trade and Industrial Free Zones"
Law on Insurance Operations in FTZs
Full Text of Bylaw on Monetary and Banking Operations in FTZs
Anzali Trade-Industrial Freezone
Aras Free Trade-Industrial Zone
Arvand Free Zone
Chabahar Free Trade-Industrial Zone
Kish Free Trade-Industrial Zone
Maku Free Trade-Industrial Zone
Qeshm Free Zone

Free Special Economic Zones
Bushehr Special Economic Zone
Salafchegan Free Zone
Sirjan Free Zone
Special Economic Zones in Iran

Ministry of Mines and Metals
Mining Law
Mining Code of Iran
Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovaition Organization
Persian Gulf Mines & Metals Special Economic Zone
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2020-2021 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2019 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2017 (USGS)
Recent Trends in the Nonfuel Minerals Industry of Iran - 2016 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2016 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2015 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2014 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2013 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2012 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2011 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2010 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2009 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2008 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2007 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2006 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2005 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2004 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2003 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2002 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2001 (USGS)
The Mineral Industry of Iran in 2000 (USGS)
Geological Survey of Iran
National Geoscience Database of Iran
Copper Deposits in Iran (NASA)
Prospecting from Orbit. (NASA)
Iran's Uranium Reserves
Uranium processing plant
Iranian Aluminum Company (IRALCO)
Iran Mining
Iranian Mining Engineering Organization (Persian)
National Iranian Copper Industries Company
Iran's Mining Sector (MEDTEEL)
Mining to Iran (Australia Trade Commission)

Ministry of Energy (Water and Power)-Responsible for the supply of water and electricity in Iran.
Energy Information Center - Ministry of Energy-Established in 1995, EIC is responsible for providing energy information and science. Contains background information, library, statistics and articles.
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI)
Farab Hydro Power-An affiliate of Ministry of Energy and a general contractor of hydro power plants.
Niroo Research Institute-Research organization affiliated to the Ministry of Energy.
Tavanir-Power generation & Transmission Management Organization of Iran.
Iran: Power Generation - Valve World
Power Market in Iran (UK)
Iran: Energy, Economics and Electricity Information - 2003 (IAEA) | 2002 (PDF)

Real Estate
Ministry of Roads & Urban Development (Persian)
MHUD: Civil Engineering & Construction Division (Nezam Mohandesi)
Iran construction Information Center (Persian)-Provides the latest construction news (Ministry of Housing and Urban Development).
International Consultants and Contractors Association of Iran (ICCA)-A non-governmental and non-profit organization which aims at promoting its member companies internationally.
Moshaverin -Real estate information center.
Iran Real Estate News (Financial Tribune)

Securities & Exchange
Securities and Exchange Organization of Iran (SEO)
Securities and Exchange Brokers Association
Securities & Exchange News Agency
Tehran Stock Exchange-Features daily market summary, indices and foreign exchange.
Iranian Institutional Investors Association
Central Securities Depository of Iran
Iran Fara Bourse
Iran Mercantile
Tehran Securities Exchange Technology Management Co.

Iran Tourism & Touring Organization (Official Site)-Provides information on tourist attractions, agencies, accommodation and transportation.
Tourism Industry Association of Iran (Irpedia)-Provides information on tourist attractions, agencies, accommodation and transportation.
Visit Iran-Travel portal from the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization of Iran.
Iran Tourism News-An independent news provider.

Ministry of Road & Urban development (Persian)
Iran Road Maintainance and Transportation Organization
Brief History of Ministry of Road & Transportation-From the Newsletter of Roads & Transport Ministry.
Iran: Logistics assessment (DLCA)
Iran's Transportation system
Profile (CIA World Factbook)
Civil Aviation Organization-Provides information on airports, airlines and travel industry. Includes aviation news and timetables.
Iran Air-Established in 1962, Iran Air provides air services within Iran and to major international destinations.
Iran Air News
Iran Transit-Provides information about transit via Iran, laws, statitstics, tariffs and more.
Iran Transportation Magazine (English/Persian)-Provides the latest news about Iran's transportation industry.
Tarabaran: Transportation Magazine (Persian)-Provides the latest news about Iran's transportation industry.
Iran-Russia International Transportation Company (IRSOTR)-Provides offshore, mainland, and air services.
IRI Shipping Lines-The largest commercial shipping company in the Middle East.
Port & Maritime Organization of IRI
Major Ports: Anzali | Bushehr | Chabahar | Imam Khomeini | Noshahr
Tehran Metro-Provides detailed information about the Tehran's metro project.
Metro Information
Iranian Railways (Official Site)
Iranian Rail Ways-Provides history and information about Iranian National Railways.
Rail Way Network
National Iranian Tanker Company
Pars Cheero Shipping Company
Rahavand International Transport Company-Exports and imports of cargo to and from Europe.
Rahian Group
Privatization and Structure of Iran's Transportation System - Transportation Industry Monthly (July 2000)
A Glance at Performance of Road, Sea, Air and Railway Transportation in the Islamic Republic of Iran (Feb. 2000)

Other Industries
Iran Carpet Co.
Iran National Carpet Center (Ministry of Commerce)
Carpet Tour
Persian Rugs (Video)
The Story of the Persian Carpet (Video)
Persian Rugs
Textile Industry in Iran
Gilan Flower-Plant Terminal Planned (Iran Daily)
History od Silk Industry (Iran Daily)
Iran Steel (English/Persian)-Provides the latest prices and news.
Iron and Steel Society of Iran- Focuses on the development, promotion, and expansion of technology, training, learning in the field of iron and steel.
Iran Steel Center-Provides information about Iranian steel, international steel business and related industries.
Mobarakeh Steel Company-Esfahan's steel company.
Iran Cement (English/Persian)-Online Iranian cement journal.

Iranian Privatization Organization (IPO)
List of Companies which have already been approved for privatization
Privatization in Iran
Privatization in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Achieving 80 Percent of Planned Privatization (Iran International)

UN Reports
Iran: Country at a Glance
Profile (FAO)
Iran: Factsheet (UNCTAD)
Iran: General Statistics (UNESCO)
Country Report on Infrastructure Development, 2001 (UNESCAP)
Iran Environmental Profile (UNEP)
Iran: UN Island Directory
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Iran Fact Sheet (UNHCR}
UN High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR)
Iran: Refworld (UNHCR)
Industrial Profile (UNIDO)
Iran: UNDP
Human Development Index (UNDP) | Factsheet
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Country Profile: Human Development Indicators (UNDP)
Human Development Reports
UN Mine Action
Country Background (UN Reliefweb)
Iran Environmental Sanpshot (UNSTATS)
National Accounts - Iran (UNSTATS)
Sustainable Development (UN)
Space Activities of Iran (OOSA)
Iran: World Health Organisation (WHO)
World Hunger (UN WFP)
United Nations Information Center-Tehran

Membership in International Organizations

Thematic Maps
Industry and Mining-1978 (CIA/UT Scan)
Light Industry and Agriculture-1973 (CIA/UT Scan)
Major Crops-1973 (CIA/UT Scan)
Major Iranian Oilfields- 1978 (CIA/UT Scan)
Mining and Heavy Industry- 1973 (CIA/UT Scan)

Statistical Center of Iran (SCI)-Provides official statistics data on population, agriculture, manufacturing, household budget, trade and economy of Iran.
Statistical Research Center-An affiliate of the Statistical Center of Iran.
Iranian Statistical Society
Iran: United Nations Statistics Division
Country Information for Iran-by Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries (SESRTCIC).
Iran: Statistics (SESRTCIC)-Compiled from national statistical publications and international statistical sources.
Iran - Statistical Appendix (IMF)
Iran: Demographic Characteristics (UNESCO)
Iran: Population Reference Bureau
UNICEF Statistics for Iran
Environment Statistics (UNSTATS)
International Data Base (IDB)
Data & Statistics - World Bank

Business Associations Abroad
The British Iranian Business And Professional Society-Promoting the business and professional activities of the British-Iranian community in the UK.
Bazargam Magazine-International business journal connecting Iranian Expats.
Canada Iran business Association-Promotes better business relations between Iran and Canada. An NGO registered in Quebec.
Canada Iran Business Council-Founded in 1992,it operates across Canada within the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, Canada's leading business network.
Orange County Iranian American Chamber of Commerce
Iranian-American Chamber of Commerce (Sacramento)
Iranian-American Chamber of Commerce (San Francisco Bay Area)
NIPOC (Southern California)-Network of Iranian-American Professionals in Orange County.
US?Iran Chamber of Commerce

Business Directories
Iran Yellow Pages (Iran)-Comprehensive listing of Iranian businesses and products.
Iran Business Directory-List prepared by the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran.
Iran Business Directory-List of Companies in Iran.
Iran Export (Iran)
Irnes (Iran)-Database of Iranian Engineering Services.
IRXP (Iran)
Iran Business Directory (Kompass)
Iran Page-Directory of Businesses and services in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Florida, and New York.
Iran Business (Canada)
Iranian Yellow Pages (Canada)
Iranian UK Yellow Pages
Iranian Yellow Pages (U.S.)-Directory of businesses and services in the U.S.
Parsian-Iranian Directory of Businesses for Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
Trades Iran (Iran)
Zarvaragh-Directory of Iranian businesses and services in Canada.

Embassies in Tehran
Australian Embassy
Brazilian Embassy
British Embassy
Canadian Embassy
Chinese Embassy
Cuban Embassy Embassy
Czech Embassy Website
Royal Danish Embassy
French Embassy
German Embassy
Embassy of Hungary
Indian Embassy
Indonesian Embassy
Embassy of Ireland
Italian Embassy
Embassy of Japan
New Zealand Embassy
Royal Netherland Embassy
Royal Norwegian Embassy
Pakistan Embassy
Philippine Embassy
Embassy of the Russian Federation
Embassy of Sweden
Embassy of Switzerland-Includes information on the U.S. Interests Section.
Virtual Embassy - Tehran (English Site) | Persian Site
Embassy of Venezuela
Embassies information

Travel Information

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