AFI FEST: Sabine El Gemayal talks about Niloofar - Hollywood (November 1, 2008)

AFI FEST: Sabine El Gemayal talks about Niloofar - Hollywood (November 1, 2008)

Sabine El Gemayal - Hollywood(November 1, 2008) - by QH

The film Niloofar, which is Sabine El Gemayel's directorial debut, deals with the subject of human rights and women's right to education. The setting is is modern day Iraq but the filming took place in Iran. It's an Irano-French production. The cast includes acclaimed Iranian actors such as Fatemah Motamed-Aria, Roya Nonahali and Shahab Hosseini. The film also touches on the unspoken topic of "honour killings," which is common in Third World countries. El Gemayel raises awareness of the issue of violence against women which is universal. This is a very tender film and ends on an optimistic note.


Interview with Director Sabine El Gemayal - Real Video (4:25)

Related Links
Sabine El Gemayel (IMDB)
Niloofar: Film Synopsis
Watch the trailer

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