Director Mikkel Munch-Fals

AFI FEST: Director Mikkel Munch-Fals talks about making "Nothing's All Bad" - Hollywood (November 9, 2010)

Director Mikkel Munch-Fals- By QH

In Danish with English subtitles
2010 Denmark | 93 min | New Auteurs

Directed By: Mikkel Munch-Fals
Producers: Meta Louise Foldager, Stine Meldgaard Madsen
Screenwriter: Mikkel Munch-Fals
Cinematographer: Eric Kress
Editor: Carsten Søsted
Music: Jomi Massage
Production Design: Charlotte Bech
Cast: Bodil Jørgensen, Henrik Prip, Mille Hoffmeyer Lehfeldt, Sebastian Jessen, Stine Fischer Christensen
Format: 35 mm

Mikkel Munch-Fals (October 25, 1972) is a Danish writer, filmmaker and critic. He studied Fine Arts at the University of Copenhagen and has made two award-winning short films (First Flush and Partus). Smukke Mennesker (directly translated "Beautiful People.") is his directorial debut. The film has received much industry attention and won a special mention at the San Sebastian Festival. It's a black comedy and deals with loneliness and sexuality in a way that hasn't been done before. Though all of the sex occurs off screen, the discussions are explicit. The post movie Q&A session was very engaging and the audience reaction was mostly positive.

The social issues depicted in this movie are real and cannot be attributed to a particular culture. Hence, one can infer that the real aim of the film is to raise awarness and address serious problems of the society.

It's noteworthy to mention that the film was made with co-operation of the Danish film Institute and essentially financed by the Government of Denmark.

Mikkel Munch-Fals talks about making "Smukke Mennesker"

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Nothing's All Bad (IMDB)

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