Premiere of Kabul Transit - LA Film Festival (June 25, 2006)

Premiere of Kabul Transit - LA Film Festival (June 25, 2006)

Kabul Transit 2006, 88 min, Color, DigiBeta
In English, Persian, Pashtu, French an with English subtitles
Los Angeles Premiere
Directed By: David Edwards,
Gregory Whitmore
Producers: David Edwards, Gregory Whitmore, Maliha Zulfacar
Cinematographer: Gregory Whitmore
Editor: Gregory Whitmore

Forgoing devices of narration and intertitles, filmmakers David Edwards, Gregory Whitmore, and Maliha Zulfacar sculpt an engrossing, wry and ultimately haunting vision of war-torn Kabul and its diverse residents. Meandering through the neighborhoods, we encounter a mystic herbal doctor, an earnest Canadian soldier, the city's fledgling police force, a childless French schoolteacher and even a band of kite enthusiasts. With each encounter, human behavior is captured in its most fragile, humble form, thereby reminding us of mankind's ability to persevere no matter what the circumstances.

Maliha Zulfacar, David Edwards, Gregory Whitmore - by QH

David Edwards & Gregory Whitmore - by QH

Italian Cultural Institute- by QH

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