Panel Discussion: Caught Between Two Worlds & Voices - UCLA (May 2, 2008)

Panel Discussion: Caught Between Two Worlds & Voices - UCLA (May 2, 2008)

Panel Discussion

Persheng Sadegh-Vaziri

Persheng Sadegh-Vaziri

Panel Discussion

Panel Discussion

Sara Amir

Persheng Sadegh-Vaziri is an independent filmmaker, born and raised in Tehran, Iran. She currently works as producer for Link Television on the Bridge to Iran series and teaches film studies courses at New York University. She has produced an award-winning series about the war in Iraq as well as documentaries about 9/11. Her films include: Women Like Us (2002); A Place Called Home, (1998); Far From Iran (1990); and Journal From Tehran (1987).

Simin Farkhondeh is an award winning filmmaker, who has been working as an independent producer, artist, educator and activist in New York, Europe and Iran. She co-produced and co-directed the Gulf Crisis TV Project and was the director of Labor at the Crossroads, a monthly TV program about work issues. Her other films include: Adjunct Agony (1999), Salt Peanuts (2001) and Who Gives Kisses Freely From Her Lips. She currently teaches film theory and art at Hampshire College.


Watch an excerpt of the panel discussion - Real Video (7:19)

Simin Farkhondeh talks about producing "Caught Between Two Worlds & Voices".

Related Links
Simin Farkhondeh (CUNY U.)
Persheng Sadegh-Vaziri (WMM)

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