Shelley Gazin's Exhibit: BECOMING PERSIAN - Illuminating the Iranian Jewish Community

Shelley Gazin's Exhibit: BECOMING PERSIAN - Illuminating the Iranian Jewish Community

Shelley Gazin Exhibit, Skirball Cultural Center - October 23, 2005

This work as originally commissioned by the California Council on the Humanities / California Stories Documentary Project has been designed to enhance community understanding through artistic research and interpretation.

Shelley Gazin Exhibit, Skirball Cultural Center - October 23, 2005

It is a subjective expression based on the experiences of the artist with the goal of informing and inspiring the community-at-large about the emotional and intellectual ideals, challenges, aspirations and skills required by every one of us to make a life as exemplified by the Persian Jewish Community.

Shelley Gazin Exhibit, Skirball Cultural Center - October 23, 2005

The Righteous Persons Foundation and Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture have endorsed this project as a viable means to educate and archive the unique story of the Persian Jewish community that has developed in the United States.

This is a long-term endeavor that will culminate in an extensive traveling exhibition with curatorial oversight by a cultural institution imbued with a commitment to and an appreciation for the preservation of Jewish culture.

Shelley Gazin Exhibit, Skirball Cultural Center - October 23, 2005

This special presentation is made possible by The Durfee Foundation

Special thanks to the Iranian Jewish organizations and institutions of Los Angeles/Southern California and the CENTER FOR JEWISH CULTURE & CREATIVITY for introductions to their friends in the Iranian Jewish community.
Thank you to FJC - A FOUNDATION OF DONOR ADVISED FUNDS for serving as a fiscal sponsor for this project.

For further information about this project or acquisition or commission of Limited Edition Photographic Prints contact Shelley Gazin

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