Dr. Minoo Moallem Lecture on Governmentality, Masculinity and Iran-Iraq War Movies - UCLA (July 10, 2006)

Dr. Minoo Moallem Lecture - UCLA (July 10, 2006)

Dr. Minoo Moallem - UCLA (July 10, 2006) - by QH

Dr. Minoo Moallem - UCLA (July 10, 2006) - by QH

Dr. Minoo Moallem is Professor of Gender & Women's Studies at UC Berkeley. She received her Ph.D. in sociology from University of Montreal and completed her Postdoctoral Studies at University of California Berkeley. She is the author of Between Warrior Brother and Veiled Sister: Islamic Fundamentalism and the Cultural Politics of Patriarchy in Iran. UC Press, 2005 UCPress.

Topic of the Lecture: Governmentality, Masculinity and Iran-Iraq War Movies

Through an examination of war movies that were made in Iran during and after the Iran-Iraq war, I interrogate the relationship between wartime forms of governmentality and the emergence of a particular model of masculinity that is defined through its reflective relationship with the hegemonic masculinity of citizen/subject and the heroic masculinity of warrior/soldier, as well as through its relationship to the self as a subject of choice. I argue that while the grand narrative of these films anticipated the perpetuation of a subject that is at war for ethical choices (religious nationalism, sacred defense, patriotism.), the plot and the characters are depicted as inconsistent, ambivalent, and contradictory, staging the difficulties of either such ethical choices or a range of motivations leading to such choices.


Dr. Minoo Moallem summarizes the main points of the lecture in Persian - Real Video (5:39) | Audio (56K)

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