Dr. Rudi Matthee Lecture discussing his new book "The Pursuit of Pleasure: Drugs and Stimulants in Iranian History, 1500-1900" - UCLA (October 23, 2005)

Dr. Rudi Matthee Lecture discussing his new book "The Pursuit of Pleasure: Drugs and Stimulants in Iranian History, 1500-1900" - UCLA (October 23, 2005)

Dr. Rudi Matthee Lecture- UCLA (October 23, 2005

Dr. Rudi Matthee Lecture- UCLA (October 23, 2005

Dr. Rudi Matthee Lecture- UCLA (October 23, 2005

Dr. Rudi Matthee Lecture- UCLA (October 23, 2005

Dr. Rudi Matthee Lecture- UCLA (October 23, 2005

Dr. Rudi Matthee Lecture- UCLA (October 23, 2005

Dr. Rudi Matthee & Dr. Nayereh Tohidi - UCLA (October 23, 2005

Dr. Rudi Matthee, Dr. Nayereh Tohidi & Dr. Kazem Alamdari - UCLA (October 23, 2005

Dr. Rudi Matthee & Khodadad Rezakhani - UCLA (October 23, 2005

AIPA Board Members: Nehzat Farnoondy, Haleh Eghrari, Bahram Razaipour - UCLA (October 23, 2005

Dr. Nehzat Farnoody - UCLA (October 23, 2005

Dr. Niloofar & Nehzat Farnoody - UCLA (October 23, 2005

IPA Board Members: Nezhat Farnoondy, Haleh Eghrari, Bahram Razaipour - UCLA (October 23, 2005

Niloofar Farnoody, Bahram Razaipour, Haleh Eghrari, Nehzat Farnoody - UCLA (October 23, 2005

Rudolph (Rudi) Matthee is the Unidel Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Delaware. His research focuses on early modern Iran and the Persian Gulf. His publications include: The Pursuit of Pleasure: Drugs and Stimulants in Iranian History, 1500-1900 (2005); Iran and the Surrounding World, 1501-2001: Interactions in Culture and Cultural Politics, co-edited with Nikki Keddie (2002); and The Politics of Trade in Safavid Iran: Silk for Silver, 1600-1730 (1999).

Related Links
Rudi Matthee (U. Delaware)
History of Pleasure in Iran - BBC Persian (October 17, 2005)

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