Seymour Hersh lecture & Book Signing - UCLA (October 4, 2007

Seymour Hersh lecture & Book Signing - UCLA (October 4, 2007)

Seymour Hersh (October 4, 2007) - by QH

Seymour Hersh (October 4, 2007) - by QH

Seymour Hersh (October 4, 2007) - by QH

Seymour Hersh Book Signing (October 4, 2007) - by QH

Emilio estevez and friend (October 4, 2007) - by QH

Antiwar Protesters (October 4, 2007) - by QH

Antiwar Protesters (October 4, 2007) - by QH

Antiwar Sign (October 4, 2007) - by QH

Royce Hall - UCLA (October 4, 2007) - by QH

Title of the lecture: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib and Beyond

Audio recording was not permitted at this lecture. Seymour Hersh discussed the US Policy towards Afghnaistan, Iraq and Iran. Most of his speech was from his most recent articles in the New Yorker, Spiegel and the Jewish Journal. He reiterated the urgent need for the US to exit Iraq.

After the lecture, he signed copies of his new book "Chain of Command" and held informal discussion with fans. Hersh said that the US government wants to get Iran mad so that she makes a mistake.

Related Links
Shifting Targets - The New Yorker (October 2007)
'The President Has Accepted Ethnic Cleansing' - Spiegal (September 28, 2007)

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