Premier of the Islander - LA Film Festival (June 25, 2006)

Premier of the Islander - LA Film Festival (June 25, 2006)

Amy Jo Johnson, Ian McCrudden, Thomas Hildredth, Judy Prescott - by QH

Director Ian McCrudden & Producer Melissa Davis - by QH

Producer Melissa Davis - by QH

Actress Amy Jo Johnson & Director Ian McCrudden - by QH

Amy Jo Johnson - by QH

Actor Thomas Hildredth - by QH

Thomas Hildredth & Ron Canada - by QH

Actor Ron Canada - by QH

Producer Melissa Davis & Friend - by QH

Annica McCrudden - by QH

Ian McCrudden, Thomas Hildredth, Emma Ford  - by QH

Amy Jo Johnson & Melissa Davis - by QH

Premier of the Islander in Westwood - by QH

Premier of the Islander in Westwood - by QH

Directed By: Ian McCrudden
Screenwriters: Ian McCrudden, Thomas Hildreth
Writers: Ian McCrudden, Thomas Hildreth
Producers: Thomas Hildreth, Forrest Murray
Cinematographer: Dan Coplan
Editor: Marc Jozefowicz
Music: Billy Mallery
Cast: Thomas Hildreth, Philip Baker Hall, Amy Jo Johnson, Mark Kiely, Larry Pine, James Parks, Ron Canada, Judy Prescott

When lobster fisherman Eben is forced to turn his back on the sea, he loses everything: his friends, his family and the only way of life he has ever known. Returning five years later, Eben finds himself an outsider in the place he once called home. With a knack for small, telling details, director Ian McCrudden?s portrait of life on the water feels completely authentic, while Thomas Hildreth brings a powerful inner resolve to his role as Eben, a man struggling to discover his future while making peace with his past.

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