UCLA Students Demonstrate Against taser incident and race policies

UCLA Students Demonstrate Against taser incident and race policies (November 17, 2006)
Powel Library UCLA (November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

Combiz Abdolrahimi of Iranian Student Organization (November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

Combiz Abdolrahimi of Iranian Student Organization & a Moslem Student - ISG (November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Alumni Amita Firouzi & her Mom (November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

Hamid Shabkhiz of Iran TV Network (November 16, 2006) - by QH

Farzan Deljou of Live TV (November 16, 2006) - by QH

Mohammd Navab taking pictures of me (November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

Morteza Ghamsari, Jam-e Jam TV (November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

Iranian Satellite TV (November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest taser incident(November 16, 2006) - by QH

Amita Firouzi signing a petition (November 16, 2006) - by QH

Tapesh TV Ladan Ziapour (November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest at UCPD Headquaters(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest at UCPD Headquaters(November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest at UCPD Headquaters (November 16, 2006) - by QH

UCLA Students protest at UCPD Headquaters (November 16, 2006) - by QH


Watch excerpts of the demonstration - Real Video (30:17) | Part II (2:50)

Related Links
Student to file suit against UCPD - Daily Bruin (November 17, 2006)
Questions raised about safety, regulation of Tasers - Daily Bruin (November 17, 2006)
Community responds to Taser use in Powell - Daily Bruin (November 16, 2006)
Student shot with Taser by UCPD officers - Daily Bruin (November 15, 2006)

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