Visit of his Excellency Mohammad Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran, to the United States of America, October 6 to November 18, 1951.

Visit of his Excellency Mohammad Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran, to the United States of America, October 6 to November 18, 1951.

President Truman and Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran.

President Truman and Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran with Bernard Samuels at Independence Hall.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran signing the guestbook at Independence Hall in Philadelphia with Mayor Bernard Samuels.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran viewing the Liberty Bell.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh examining the famous Liberty Bell, which rung in 1776, while visiting Independence Hall in Philadelphia. He was joined by Mayor Bernard Samuels.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh visiting with Associate Justice Douglas

While visiting the Supreme Court in Washington D.C., Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran chatted with Associate Justice Douglas.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh being greeted by Dean Acheson.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran being greeted by Dean Acheson at the Union Station in Washington D.C.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran leaving for the Iranian Embassy.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran waves as he leaves Union Station for the Iranian Embassy in Washington D.C.

President Harry S. Truman greeting Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran.

President Harry S. Truman greets Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran as the latter arrives at Blair House, temporary Presidential residence in Washington D.C.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran speaking with Dean Acheson.

Secretary Dean Acheson confers with Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington D.C.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran attending ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery.

Standing at attention in ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetary, near Washington D.C. in the foreground, left to right, Dr. M. Baghai, member of the Iranian Parliament; Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran, Gen. Thomas W. Herren.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran visiting the tomb of the Unknown Soldier of WWI.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran at the tomb of the Unkown Soldier of WWI in Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran visiting the tomb of George Washington.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran at the tomb of George Washington at Mount Vernon.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran signing the guest book at Mount Vernon.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran signed the guest book while visitng Mount Vernon.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran on the lawn of Mount Vernon.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran joined others for a picture on the lawn of Mount Vernon.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran visiting with Dr. Ali Sastroamidjojo and Mohammad Kamil Bey Abul Rahim.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran visted with Dr. Ali Sastroamidjojo and Mohammad Kamil Bey Abul Rahim while at the Egyptian Embassy in Washington D.C.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran talking with George McGhee.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran visiting with George McGhee at the Egyptian Embassy in Washington D.C.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran admiring the outside of the Supreme Court Building.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran discussing the architectural features of the Supreme Court Building with Lieut. Col. Vernon A. Walters, Justice William O. Douglas, A. Saleh, and Dr. Ardalan.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran being greeted by Henry F. Grady.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran is greeted at the National Press Club, Washington D.C., by Henry F. Grady.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran leaving Mount Vernon.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran is joined by others as he departs from Mount Vernon.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran on the steps of the Supreme Court Building.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran on the steps of the Supreme Court Building in Washington D.C., he is joined by Lieutenant Colonel Vernon A. Walters, William O. Douglas, A. Seleh, and Dr. Ardalan (four of them pictured here).

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran viewing the inside of the Supreme Court Building.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran inspected the inside of the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. He was accompanied by Lt. Col. Vernon A. Walters, William O. Douglas, A. Saleh, and Dr. Ardalan.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran leaving the Supreme Court building.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran leaving the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. with Lieut. Col. Vernon A. Walters, William O Douglas, A. Saleh, and Dr. Ardalan.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran in hospital bed in New York City.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran in a New York City hospital where he went to regain his strength shortly after his arrival in the United States.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran speaks with Sec. Gen. Trygve Lie of the United Nations and Nasrollah Entezam, Ambassador of Iran.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran confers in a New York Hospital with Trygve Lie Secretary General of the United Nations and Nasrollah Entezam, Ambassador of Iran to the United States.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran accompanied by Dr. Gholem Hossein Mossadegh and Zia Achraf Bayat.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran enters the Ritz Tower Hotel in New York, after leaving the Hospital. He is accompanied by Dr. Gholem Hossein Mossadegh, his son, and by Zia Achraf Bayat, his daughter.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh being seated at the United Nations Security Council.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran being shown to his seat at the United Nations Security Council by Trygve Lie, Secretary General of the United Nations.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran taking seat at the United Nations Security Council.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran takes his seat at the United Nations Security Council in New York City.

 Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran addressing the United Nations Security Council.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran takes his seat at the United Nations Security Council in New York City.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh at United Nations Security Council

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran uses headphones to listen to a translation during the United Nations Security Council in New York City.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran speaking with Ernest A. Gross.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran delighted by a remark made by Ernest A. Gross at the United Nations Security Council in New York City.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran with Sr. Gladwyn Jebb.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran shaking hands with Sr. Gladwyn Jebb at the United Nations Security Council in New York City.

Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran preparing to leave the United States.

Before his departure for Iran, Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh has his final view of the United States from the airplane at the airport in New York City. With him is his daughter Zia Achraf Bayat.

From photograph album "Visit of his Excellency Mohammad Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran, to the United States of America, October 6 to November 18, 1951."

Courtesy of The Truman Library

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