Persian Gulf Command: The Generals

Persian Gulf Command: The Generals

Major General Donald H. Connolly, Commander of the United States Army forces in Iran and Iraq at a press conference somewhere in Iran.

Major General Donald H. Connolly, Commander of the United States Army forces in Iran and Iraq at a press conference somewhere in Iran.

Major General Donald H. Connolly, Commander of the United States Army forces in Iran and Iraq at a press conference somewhere in Iran.

Major General Donald H. Connolly, Commander of the United States Army forces in Iran and Iraq at a press conference somewhere in Iran.

Major General Donald H. Connolly, the Commander of the United States Army forces in Iran and Iraq.

Major General Donald H. Connolly, the Commander of the United States Army forces in Iran and Iraq.

Major General Donald H. Connolly, the Commander of the United States Army Forces in Iran and Iraq, taking a group of Iranian journalists on a tour of United States Army installations. The journalists were guests at the soldiers' mess and were shown that only American food was served, thus not depriving the Iranians of their own food supply

Major General Donald H. Connolly, the Commander of the United States Army Forces in Iran and Iraq, taking a group of Iranian journalists on a tour of United States Army installations. The journalists were guests at the soldiers' mess and were shown that only American food was served, thus not depriving the Iranians of their own food supply

Major General Donald H. Connolly, the Commander of the United States Army Forces in Iran and Iraq, taking a group of Iranian journalists on a tour of United States Army installations. The journalists were guests at the soldiers' mess and were shown that only American food was served, thus not depriving the Iranians of their own food supply

Major General Donald H. Connolly, the Commander of the United States Army Forces in Iran and Iraq, taking a group of Iranian journalists on a tour of United States Army installations. The journalists were guests at the soldiers' mess and were shown that only American food was served, thus not depriving the Iranians of their own food supply

Brigadier General Stanley Scott in Iran.

General A.M. Koroloff (left); Stanley L. Scott (center), Chief of Staff, Persian Gulf Service Command; and Major General Donald H. Connolly, Commanding General, Persian Gulf Service Command.

General A.M. Koroloff (left); Stanley L. Scott (center), Chief of Staff, Persian Gulf Service Command; and Major General Donald H. Connolly, Commanding General, Persian Gulf Service Command.

Against a background of an American locomotive inscribed with English and Persian numerals, Major-General Donald H. Connolly, Commanding Gerneral, Persian Gulf Service Command exchanging greetings with General A.M. Koroloff on the occasion of the arrival of the first All-American train from the Persian Gulf to the point where the freight load was turned over to the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

Against a background of an American locomotive inscribed with English and Persian numerals, Major-General Donald H. Connolly, Commanding Gerneral, Persian Gulf Service Command exchanging greetings with General A.M. Koroloff on the occasion of the arrival of the first All-American train from the Persian Gulf to the point where the freight load was turned over to the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

Somewhere in Iran. Major General Lewis Brererton in the center, the Commander of the United States Army force in the Middle East, with a group of Russian officers standing before an American warplane delivered to the Russians. A United States warplane is being tested in the background and bears the red star insignia of Russia, which is made by filling in the white star of the United States with red paint

Somewhere in Iran. Major General Lewis Brererton in the center, the Commander of the United States Army force in the Middle East, with a group of Russian officers standing before an American warplane delivered to the Russians. A United States warplane is being tested in the background and bears the red star insignia of Russia, which is made by filling in the white star of the United States with red paint

Photographer: Nick Parrino

Source: The Library of Congress - American Memory

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