Kaveh Akbar

Kaveh Akbar poetry reading from "Calling a Wolf a Wolf", LA Times Festival of Books - USC (April 22, 2018)

Kaveh Akbar - USC (April 22, 2018) - by QH

Kaveh Akbar - USC (April 22, 2018) - by QH

Kaveh Akbar - USC (April 22, 2018) - by QH


Kaveh Akbar is an Iranian-American award winning poet and scholar. Akbar's work has appeared in numerous magazines such as The New Yorker, NPR, Poetry, The New York Times and The Nation. He is the founder and editor of the popular poetry site Divedapper. Akbar is the author of Calling a Wolf a Wolf, and the chapbook, Portrait of the Alcoholic.

Related Links
Kaveh Akbar (Official Site)

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