Mahvash Azhir

Mahvash Azhir performing at the Int. Women's Day Celebration - Soka University, Aliso Viejo (February 25, 2006)
Mahvash Azhir live in concert - by QH

Mahvash Azhir live in concert - by QH

Mahvash Azhir live in concert - by QH

Born and raised in Iran, Mahvash completed her studies in theatre at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Tehran, Iran. Her interest in musical theatre took her to England where she completed her post graduate studies at Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Arts in London.

After returning to Iran, Mahvash began teaching Acting at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts and the Faculty of Fine Arts of University of Tehran. Mahvash was offered a series of parts and title roles in various stage and television productions.


Watch an excerpt of the program (Real Video)

Related Links
Mahvash Azhir (Official Site)
Iranian Music

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