Pezhham Akhavass

Pezhham Akhavass: Percussionist/Composer

Pezhham Akhavass(October 2, 2011) - by QH

Pezhham Akhavassi (October 2, 2011) - by QH  Pezhham Akhavassi (October 2, 2011) - by QH  Pezhham Akhavassi (October 2, 2011) - by QH

Pezhham Akhavassi  (October 2, 2011) - by QH

Pezhham Akhavass is a percussionist/multi instrumentalist and modern day master of the Tombak, a type of goblett drom from Persia. Pezhham was born in 1980 and graduated with bachelor's degree in music from Sureh University of Tehran.With the support of his renowned artist father Mostafa, Pezhham began studying the Tombak at the age of five with the guidance of Naser Farhanghfar. From 1989-1991, he continued studying Tombak with Saeid Roudbary.



Interview with Pezhham Akhavass (3:07)

Related Links
Pezhham Akhavass performing with the Yarsan Ensemble (Gallery)
Pezhham Akhavass (Official Site)
Yarsan Music (Official Site)

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