Library of Congress Signs Memorandum of Understanding with the National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran

November 30, 2004

Library of Congress Signs Memorandum of Understanding with the National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Librarian of Congress James H. Billington and Mohammad Kazem Mousavi Bojnourdi, director of the National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Nov. 4 during Billington's recent visit to Iran.

The full text of the agreement is appended to this release.

"I was impressed by the dedication and professionalism of Dr. Bojnourdi and his colleagues, whom I met on my brief trip to Iran three weeks ago," said Billington. "The trip was purely cultural in nature and designed to discuss exchanges of materials," he added.

"The agreement we signed," said Billington, "will help to fill a 25-year gap in the Library's collection of materials published in Persian and other languages of Iran -- a move that will benefit not only the Congress but also scholars of the Middle East. The agreement will also permit the two libraries to exchange mutually beneficial information in the areas of library science and preservation."

"I am hopeful that in the not too distant future, Dr. Bojnourdi will be able to visit the Library of Congress in Washington so that we may be able to reciprocate the excellent hospitality he showed us during our visit to Tehran."

Library of Congress Overseas Offices

The Library of Congress has maintained offices abroad since 1962 to acquire, catalog, preserve and distribute library and research materials from countries where such materials are essentially unavailable through conventional acquisitions methods such as book dealers. The Library currently has six regional offices -- in New Delhi, Cairo, Rio de Janeiro, Jakarta, Nairobi and Islamabad -- whose collective acquisitions effort covers more than 60 countries. Iran has not been a participant in this program, which benefits other libraries and research institutions across the United States as well as the Library of Congress, since the Islamic Revolution of 1978-1979.

More information on the Library's acquisitions from around the world under this program can be found on the Web at

Efforts to reach out to major national libraries around the world -- to build collaborative initiatives to acquire and share digital collections -- has been one of Billington's priorities as Librarian of Congress. Starting in 1999 with a partnership with the Russian State Library and the National Library of Russia, the program has led to what is now called the Global Gateway Web site, which can be accessed from the icon on the Library's home page at It is a portal to the Library's international collections with links to information from other sources around the world. In addition to Russia, the site includes partnerships with the National Library of Spain, the National Library of Brazil and the National Library of the Netherlands.

Memorandum of Understanding

This memorandum of understanding dated November 4th, 2004, is between the Library of Congress (LOC) of the United States of America, and the National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The two parties agree that they shall, subject to all applicable laws:

a) introduce to each other their organizations, activities, publications and products

b) exchange books, periodicals, bibliographical materials and other exchangeable library resources

c) exchange information about research on common professional subjects in library and information science and documentation

d) cooperate in the preservation of old written materials by the exchange of information about preservation techniques

e) explore the possibility of inviting each other to participate in exhibitions and fairs and in cultural programs including films and music

f) inform one another about professional practices and techniques of library science in their respective countries

g) explore the range of cultural possibilities for the future during a return visit by the Director of the National Library and Archives of the I.R. of Iran to the Library of Congress

It is agreed that the National Library and Archives of the I.R. of Iran will obtain clearances from the LOC's Public Affairs Office prior to using LOC's logo(s) or the name "Library of Congress" or other Library trademarks or trade names. This applies to all uses on the web, in print or in any other media. It is also agreed that the Library of Congress will obtain the same clearances from the National Library and Archives of I.R. of Iran.

Termination: Either party may terminate this agreement at any time.

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