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Persian Fonts -
BBC Persian Font -
Persian Font Support
Online Dictionaries
Abadis Persian Dictionary -
Persian-English Online Dictionary (Aryanpour) -
AraiDic -
Dehkhoda Dictionary -
Ectaco Online -
English to Persian colloquial dictionary -
FarsiDic -
FarsiDics -
Farsi Dictionary -
Hayyim Dictionary -
Langenscheidt -
Persian-English Dictionaries (Books) -
Thesaurus of Persian Words -
Dictionnarie Iranien-Français -
Vajje -
Wörterbuch Deutsch - Persisch
AppTalia -
Behnevis -
CoolzabAn -
Farsi Persian Keyboard (Download) -
Persian Keyboard Online -
Persian Unicode Converter -
Google Conversion Tool -
ParsNegar -
Persian Software (Ectaco) -
Persian Word Processing -
Toosheh (unfiltered internet access) -
Typing in Word -
Calendars (Iranica) -
Iranian Calendar -
A concise review of the Iranian calendar -
The Precise Iranian Calendar -
Google Calendar (Hijri Shamsi) -
Online Iranian Calendar -
Multiple Calendar Converter -
Hijri-Gregorian Converter -
Persian Calendar -
Shahanshahi Calendar (Shenshai) -
Taghvim -
Calendar of Aghanistan -
Zoroastrian Calendar
College & Universities offering Persian courses
Online Courses & Resources
Online Persian Courses (UT)
Alefba -
Audio Library (Download audio books) -
Descriptive Grammar of New Persian -
Digital Dialects -
Digital Library -
Easy Persian -
Farsisara -
Forum for Iranian Linguistics -
How to Type In Persian -
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Online Persian resources (U. Washington) -
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Persian is Sugar -
Persian Grammar (U. Texas) -
Persian Calligraphy -
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