Maziar Bahari

Maziar Bahari Book Signing & Lecture, Skirball Cultural Center - LA (June 10, 2011)

Maziar Bahari & Reza Aslan - LA (June 10, 2011) - by QH

Maziar Bahari & Reza Aslan

Maziar Bahari - LA (June 10, 2011) - by QH

Maziar Bahari

Rexa Aslan - LA (June 10, 2011) by QH

Reza Aslan

Maziar Bahari & Rexa Aslan - LA (June 10, 2011) - by QH

Maziar Bahari & Reza Aslan

Maziar Bahari & Rexa Aslan Book Signing - LA (June 10, 2011)- by QH

Reza Aslan & Jessica Jackley - LA (June 10, 2011)- by QH

Reza Aslan & Jessica Jackley

Maziar Bahari Signing his new book - LA (June 10, 2011)- by QH

Maziar Bahari signing one of his books

Maziar Bahari - LA (June 10, 2011) - by QH

Maziar Bahari


Watch an excerpt of the discussion (4:53)

Interview with Maziar Bahari (8:25)

The discussion focused on Maziar Bahari's book 'Then They Came for Me', the election of 2009 and the legitimacy of the government. The evening was dedicated to the 34 journalist still held captive in Iran. The discussion was paused several times to remember the journalists inside Iran. Bahari stressed the importance of keeping pressure on the Iranian government to free the journalists. He mentioned The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and Reporters Without Borders (RWB). Bahari works with both organizations to release the journalists and has had some success with the petition campaign. Similar efforts are underway by International organizations to win the release of filmmakers Panahi and Rasoulof. The discussion was followed by a short Q&A session and book signing.

Related Links
Then They Came for Me (Random House)
Maziar Bahari: Filmography

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