Mohsen Kadivar & Hossein Ziai lectures on Democracy

Rationality and Opinions About Democracy in Iran: Lecture by Mohsen Kadivar, University of Virginia and Hossein Ziai, UCLA (June 7, 2009)

Dr. Nayereh Tohidi, Dr. Mohsen Kadivar, Dr. Hossein Ziai - UCLA (June 7, 2009) by QH

Dr. Hossein Ziai Dr. Mohsen Kadivar -  UCLA (June 7, 2009) by QH

Dr. Mohsen Kadivar - UCLA (June 7, 2009)- by QH

Title of the lectures:

Hossein Ziai: The Rational Side of Early Philosophy in Iran: Farabi through Sohravardi
Kheradgarayi dar falsafeh qadim Iran: az Farabi ta Sohravardi

Mohsen Kadivar: Democratic thoughts of Iranian Constitutionalist Ulama: Akhound Khorasani, Mahalati, and Na'ini Andisheh-ha-ye democratic ulama-ye mashrouteh-khah Irani:
Akhund Khorasani, Mahalatti va Na'ini


Watch Dr. Hossein Ziai Lecture - Real Video (37:18)

Watch an excerpt of Mohsen Kadivar's Speech (10:18)

Listen to the lecture - Real Audio (47:43)

Related Links
Mohsen Kadivar (Official Site)
Dr. Hossein Ziai (UCLA)
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