Iran: Political Organizations - فهرست حزبهای سیاسی ایران

Iran: Political Organizations

  Opposition Abroad | Leftist | Monarchist | Nationalist | Reformist | Republican | Neo-Conservative & Democracy Groups | Secular | Student Movement | Pseudo-Religious Groups | Separatists | Political Sites

Politics Index

Political Parties & Organizations
Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran (Abadgaran)
The Association of Researchers and Lecturers of Qom Seminary
The Association of the Women of the Islamic RepublicIranain woman holding the official flag of Iran - by QH
Combatant Clergy Association (Jame e-ye rowhaniyat-e mobarez)
Council of Nationalist-Religious Activists of Iran (Melli Mazhabi)
The Democracy Party (Mardomsalari)
Executives of Construction Party (Kargozaran)
The Freedom Movement of Iran (Nehzat-e Azadi-e Iran)
Front of Islamic Revolution Stability (Jebhe Paydari)
Helpers of the Party of God (Ansar-e-Hezbollah)
Islamic Coalition Party (Motalefeh)
Islamic Civilization Party (Hezb-e Tamaddon-e Eslami)
Islamic Iran Participation Front [Jebhe Mosharekat]
Islamic Labour Party
Islamic Society of Engineers
Islamic Students Association
Liberation Movement of Iran - Nehzat-e-Azadi (Banned)
Moderation and Development Party (Tosee va Edalat)
Militant Clerics Society (Majma-e Ruhaniyoun-e Mobarez)
Modern Thinkers Party of Islamic Iran (Noandishan)
Mojahedin of the Islamic Revolution Organization - Mojahedin Enghelab (Banned)
National Trust Party - Etemad-e-Melli (Banned)
National Unity Party (Vahdat Melli)
Office for Strengthening Unity (Daftar-e Tahkim-e Vahdat)
Progress and Justice Population of Islamic Iran
Resistance Front of Islamic Iran (Jebheye Istadegi)
Society of Forces Following the Line of the Imam (Khat-e-Imam)
Society of Devotees of the Islamic Revolution (Jam`iyat-e Isargaran-e Enqelab-e Eslami)
The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom
Steadfastness Front (Jebha-ye paydari-e enqelab-e eslami)
Union of Islamic Iran People's Party (Ettehad-e Mellat-e Iran-e Eslami)
Youth Party Of Iran
Factbox: Parties and politics in Iran's parliamentary election
Political Party in Islamic Republic of Iran: A Review
Iran: Organization and functioning of political parties
Political parties & leaders (Wikipedia)
List of Legally Registered Parties in Iran | PersianPolitical Demonstration - by QH

Opposition Abroad

Hammer & Sickle

CP of Iran
Confederation of Iranians - S. California (Archive)
Etehad Chap Kargari (Archive)
Etehade FedaianPolitical Demonstration - by QH
Fadai (Majority)
Fadai (Minority)
Fadai Guerrilas I | II
Fadai Guerrillas (IFPG)
Radio Pishgam (Fadaian)
Hasteh Aghaliat (Sweden)
Iran Social Forum
Iranian Revolutionary Socialist Youth League | Archive
Kar (Fadai Majority E-Zine)
Kargar (Archive)
Mansoor Hekmat Internet ArchivePolitical Demonstration - by QH
Iran-e-Azad (NCRI)
The Council of Muslim Socialists (Archive)
History of Muslim Socialists (BBC Persian)
Party of Labour (Toufan)
People's Democratic Party of Iran
PDK (Kurdestan)
Rahe Kargar (Organization of Revolutionary Workers of Iran)
Rahe Tudeh (E-Zine)
Ranjbaran (Laborers? Party of Iran )
Sazmane Movahhedine Azadikhahe Iran
Sarbedaran (Marxist/Leninist/Maoist)
Organisation of Iranian Socialists (O.I.S)
Social Democratic Party of Iran (TV)
Socialist Party of Iran (BL)
Tudeh Party
Political Demonstration - by QH
Tudeh: 75 years fighting for Iran's working class
Union Of People's Fedaian of Iran
Workers Left Unity
Worker-communist Party of Iran (WP)
Workers Socialist Unity
Worker Politics (Siasat-e Kargari)
Worker Today - Kargar-e Emrooz (Archive)

Imperial FlagImperial FlagLion & Sun Flag with the Pahlavi Crown

MonarchistConstitutionalist Party of Iran - by QH
Constitutionalist Party of Iran
Constitutionalist Movement of Iran (Archive)
Conseil National Iranien - CNI (Archive)
Derafsh Kaviani (Archive)
Center for the Study of Strategic Nonviolent Defense
Farashgard (Iran Revival)
Rastakhiz Party (Iranian Resurgance Party)
ONLPI (Archive)
National Council of Iran
National Iranian Congress
Rastakhiz: The Imperial Iranian Guards
Shahin FatemiConstitutionalist Party of Iran - by QH
Dariush Homayoun
Dariush Homayoun Foundation
Hassan Mansour
Farah Pahlavi (Official Site)
Reza Pahlavi (Official Site)
Radio Nedaye Padeshahi (BL)
Ofogh Iran TV (BL) | Video
Nahad Azadi

Jebhe Melli (Iran)
Iran National Front (Washington)Iran National Front: Dr. Mohammad Mehrasa
Jebhe Melli News
Iran National Front (Europe)
Javanan Jebhe Melli
Iran Azad
Iran Liberal (Sweden)
Iran-e Bozorg
Adib Boroumand
National Movement of the Iranian Resistance
Nehzat-e Moghavemat Iran (Old Site) | Archive
Pan-Iranism (US)Reformists in LA
Pan-Iranism (Bay Area)
Tarnegar Farda (Pan-Iranist)

Reformist/Religious Nationalists
Kalame (Iran)
Melli Mazhabi (Iran)
Mizan Khabar (Iran)
Rahesabz (Iran)
Week in Green (US)

Supporters of Democracy

Neo-Conservative/Democracy Groups
American Iranian National Friendship
Centre for a Democratic Iran (pro-Israel lobby)
Coalition for Democracy in Iran (CDI) | Profile
Democracy for Iran (Archive)
Democracy Network of Iran, DNI (Inactive)
Foundation for Democracy in Iran
Foundation for the Promotion of democracy (Archive)
Irane Abad
Iran Congress
Iran Institute for Democracy (Archive)
Iranian Aryan National Front (Archive)
Democrat Party of Iran (Archive)
Iranian Democracy Front
Iranian-Americans For The ConstitutionSupporters of Democracy
Iranian National Planning Group
Iranian-Americans for Liberty
Iran of Tomorrow Movement
Kanoon Dallas
National Referendum For Iran (Archive)
National Socialist Iranian Workers Party (SUMKA)
New Iran Foundation (Archive)
Natiobal Union For Democracy in Iran (NUFDI)
Pars Organization France (Archive)
Payandeh Iran (Archive)
Pro Democracy Movement of Iran - PDMI (Archive)
Progressive American-Iranian Committee (PAIC)
California Society for Democracy in Iran
United Front of Iranian Nationalists (UFIN)Marz-e Porgohar - by QH
United Iran Party | FB
US Alliance for Democratic Iran (USADI)

Democratic and Secular Republicans of Iran (Nedaye Azadi)
Jomhouri khahan Melli (Archive)
Glorious Frontiers Party (Marz-e Porgohar)
Green Party
Sazmane Jomhoorikhahan
United Iranian front For Democracy In Iran
Union for Secular Republic & Human Rights in Iran
United Republicans of Iran (Ettehad-e Jomhuri khahan-e Iran)

The Lion & Sun flag of Iran
Iran Student Movement

Iran Secular
Iran Secularism
Iranian Secular Democratic Party
Iranian Secular Democracy Movement
Secular Greens
Iran Transition Council

Student Movement
Daneshjoo News (Archive)
Confederation of Iranian Students
Tahkim Vahdat
Advar-e Tahkim Vahdat News

Iran Democracy Supporter Iran Democracy Supporter

Pseudo-Religious Groups
Baha'i­ | II | III | IV | V | VI
Iranian Zionist Groups

Kurdish | Chronology for Kurds
Iran: Ethnic and Religious Minorities (CRS)
Iran Minorities 2: Ethnic Diversity (Iran Primer)
People Profile
Tribes and Ethnic Groups in Western Iran (DIA)
List of separatists groups

Political Websites
Aban OrganizationIran Democracy Supporter
Arash Magazine
Archive of Opposition
Brwska (Kurdistan)
Ehteram Azadi
Ennghelabe Eeslami
Faith Freedom
International Alliance in Support of Workers in Iran (IASWI)
Iran Bulletin (Leftist Ezine)
Iran Didban
Iran Global
Iran Omid
Iran Lobby
Iranian-American ForumIran Democracy Supporters
Iran Politics Club | Forum
Kurdistan Media
New Secularism
Regime Change Iran
Turkmen Sahra Media


Human Rights

Editor's Note:Injustice

Opposition websites cannot be accessed from inside Iran. ISP's in Iran have been ordered to filter adult and political sites. Hence, most of the political sites have very poor traffic.

Most Iranian news sites are affiliated with political groups. Consequently, one cannot find unbiased and professional reports in their coverage of political and social events. The most popular sites are based in Europe (Benelux countries) and ran by so-called progressive Islamic & leftist groups. These sites often have a sustainable competitive advantage due to the fact that reformists in the government support them. Furthermore, an Iranian-American lobby organization has completely taken over a US portal and also calling all the shots in other news sites.

Our celebrity journalists abroad have prostituted themselves by serving foreign interest. It's unclear why most of our scholars are silent on important issues.

Women's sites provide complete, accurate and unbiased coverage of social news. These websites are totally independent and managed by a dedicated group of volunteers.

Foreign government-sponsored Persian programs provide excellent coverage of arts and entertainment events. However, their political news is often biased. These sites extend their sphere of influence by advertising at the most popular Iranian portals. The so-called independent websites are not bound by strict codes of ethics and standards. Therefore, they can use 'below the belt tactics' to criticize and ridicule the regime.

It's noteworthy to mention the Baha'i's ramp up quest to take over Iran. The Baha'i doctrine was designed to replace Shia Islam and not to live side-by-side of it. Well, it never happened. Today, shi'ism, is deeply rooted in Iranian culture and lifestyle. There is no need for conversion. Religion and modernity should be stressed and promoted.
In recent years, there has been an explosion of Baha'i sites on the Internet. These sites have a strong political message besides covering spirituality. The Baha'i TV has even aired programs on "Rebuilding Iran". Hence, we can label them as being political. The Shah of Iran couldn't trust his own people. Therefore, he appointed Baha'is to the most sensitive management positions. Ironically, they were the first group to abandon him. Now, they're eying the presidency of Iran. While we cannot rule a secular nationalist state for the future of Iran, the Bahai Republic would be ludicrous in light of all the scientific facts. We can build a rich and powerful Iran without resorting to lies and superstitions.

News (Persian)

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