Human Rights
Editor's Note:
Opposition websites cannot be accessed from inside Iran. ISP's in Iran have been ordered to filter adult and political sites. Hence, most of the political sites have very poor traffic.
Most Iranian news sites are affiliated with political groups. Consequently, one cannot find unbiased and professional reports in their coverage of political and social events. The most popular sites are based in Europe (Benelux countries) and ran by so-called progressive Islamic & leftist groups. These sites often have a sustainable competitive advantage due to the fact that reformists in the government support them. Furthermore, an Iranian-American lobby organization has completely taken over a US portal and also calling all the shots in other news sites.
Our celebrity journalists abroad have prostituted themselves by serving foreign interest. It's unclear why most of our scholars are silent on important issues.
Women's sites provide complete, accurate and unbiased coverage of social news. These websites are totally independent and managed by a dedicated group of volunteers.
Foreign government-sponsored Persian programs provide excellent coverage of arts and entertainment events. However, their political news is often biased. These sites extend their sphere of influence by advertising at the most popular Iranian portals. The so-called independent websites are not bound by strict codes of ethics and standards. Therefore, they can use 'below the belt tactics' to criticize and ridicule the regime.
It's noteworthy to mention the Baha'i's ramp up quest to take over Iran. The Baha'i doctrine was designed to replace Shia Islam and not to live side-by-side of it. Well, it never happened. Today, shi'ism, is deeply rooted in Iranian culture and lifestyle. There is no need for conversion. Religion and modernity should be stressed and promoted.
In recent years, there has been an explosion of Baha'i sites on the Internet. These sites have a strong political message besides covering spirituality. The Baha'i TV has even aired programs on "Rebuilding Iran". Hence, we can label them as being political. The Shah of Iran couldn't trust his own people. Therefore, he appointed Baha'is to the most sensitive management positions. Ironically, they were the first group to abandon him. Now, they're eying the presidency of Iran. While we cannot rule a secular nationalist state for the future of Iran, the Bahai Republic would be ludicrous in light of all the scientific facts. We can build a rich and powerful Iran without resorting to lies and superstitions.