The International Encyclopedia of Sexuality: Iran
UNICEF - Iran, Islamic Republic of - Statistics
Iran: World Health Organisation (WHO)
Health Organizations
Ministry of Health and Medical Education
Family Health
Family Law
Iran Family Law (Emory University)
Law pertaining to population and family planning
The 2007 Family Protection Bill in Iran
Family Law in Iran (Essay)
Controversial 'Family Bill' Returns To Iranian Parliament's Agenda (RFE/RL)
Iran rejects easing polygamy law (BBC)
Iran women get more divorce rights (BBC)
Family law in ancient Iran
Iranian Marriage Ceremony
Iranian Marriage Contract
Marriage contract, 1874
'White marriage' a growing trend for young couples in Iran - LA Times (May 29, 2015)
Iran bans magazine for encouraging cohabitation over wedlock - report - Reuters (April 27, 2015)
Iran's government tries to play matchmaker - The Economist (February 7, 2015)
Can Iran 'control' its cohabiting couples? - BBC (December 9, 2014)
Sex before marriage - BBC Persian Video (July 8, 2014)
Iran: Divorce parties take off in major cities - BBC (May 20, 2014)
The Politics of Marriage in Contemporary Iran (Persian) - UCLA (October 25, 2009)
The Politics of Marriage in Contemporary Iran - UCLA (October 23, 2009)
Marriage and Divorce Under Iranian Family Law - UT (July 15, 2011)
The cost of a divorce in Iran? Your weight in gold - BBC (February 23, 2012)
Sex is a major cause of divorce in Iran - BBC Persian (December 10, 2011)
Iran's Divorce Rate Stirs Fears of Society in Crisis - NY Times (December 6, 2010)
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urges girls to marry at 16 - The Guardian (November 21, 2010)
Iran to set up marriage bureaux - BBC (December 1, 2008)
Iranian to pay 124,000-rose dowry - BBC (March 3, 2008)
Consanguineous Marriages
Prevalence of consanguineous marriages among Iranian Georgians (2010)
Is consanguineous marriage religiously encouraged? Islamic and Iranian considerations. (2006)
Study of Youths' Knowledge, Behavior, and Attitude towards Consanguineous Marriages (2006)
Modernization and Consanguineous Marriage in Iran (1994)
Early Marriage
Modernity and Early Marriage in Iran: A View from Within - JMEWS (2006)
Iran Reports Increase In Child Marriages - RFE/RL (August 20, 2021)
Child marriage in Iran forces girls into a life of oppression - DW (September 11, 2017)
Human-Rights Activists Win Partial Victory In Battle Against Child Marriage (June 28, 2002)
Child Marriage in the Context of Shia Iran (U. Oxford)
Child Marriage in the Middle East and North Africa
A Dowry for Mahrou (Short Film)
Temporary Marriages In Iran
I was a temporary bride - The Guardian (July 11, 2015)
Iran talks up temporary marriages - BBC (June 2, 2007)
Love Finds a Way in Iran: 'Temporary Marriage' - NY Times (October 4, 2000)
Temporary Marriage in Iran (Qantara)
In the Bazar of Sexes-Documentary by Sudabeh Mortezai
Law of desire: temporary marriage in Shi'i Iran (online)-by Shahla Haeri
Family Planning
Iran birth drive 'turns women into baby-making machines' (BBC)
How Iran Became One of the World's Most Futuristic Countries (i09)
Iran's Family Planning Program: Responding to a Nation's Needs (PRB)
Iran's Surprising and Shortsighted Shift on Family Planning - Newsecuritybeat (August 8, 2012)
Iran Achieves Replacement-Level Fertility (PRB)
Iran is urging people to have babies — and making life hard for those who don’t want to - LA Times (September 14, 2022)
Iran's declining birth rate alarms country's leaders - DW (July 30, 2020)
Iran bans permanent contraception to boost population growth - The Independent (August 11, 2014)
Iran urges baby boom, slashes birth-control programs - AP (July 29, 2012)
Iran's Birth Rate Plummeting at Record Pace: Success Provides a Model for Other Developing Countries - Earth Policy Institute (December 28, 2001)
Men and Family Planning in Iran (Institute for Research on Planning & Development Iran)
A Holistic Approach Underpins the Islamic Republic of Iran's Success in Family Planning (UNFPA)
Iran's birth control policy sent birthrate tumbling (LA Times)
Infertile in Iran - Le Monde Diplomatique (April 2008)
Family Planning Association (NGO)
Condom factory in Iran (Video)
Condoms help check Iran birth rate - BBC (April 24, 2002)
A Womb Can Be Rented For $3,000 (Sharq Daily)
Women and the Politics of Population Control in Iran-by Homa Hoodfar
Abortion in Iran - Guttmacher Org (September 2008)-Provides a brief overview of abortion law and issues.
Abortion in Iran
Abortion in Iranian Law
Abortion Methods Rife in Tehran - Sharq Daily (November 2, 2003)-by Banafsheh Samgis
Iran liberalises laws on abortion - BBC (April 12, 2005)
Induced Abortion in Tehran, Iran: Estimated Rates and Correlates - Guttmacher Org. (September 2011)
Illegal abortions in Iran - DW Persian (January 2, 2015)
Honor Crimes
Iran: Honour killings (Landinfo)
Violence against women and honour-related violence in Iran. (Finnish Immigration Service)
Iran: Honour crimes against women (UK Home Office)
Spouse Killings
Spouse killings in Iran-by Nina Kristiansen
Iran: Surge in Cases of Husband Murder - IWPR (November 26, 2010)
Sex Education
Love & Sexuality (DW Persian)
New app breaks silence on sexual health in Iran - France24 (April 21, 2017)
Sex education eliminated from Iran universities (BBC Persian)
The Iranian authorities are not squeamish about sex (The Guardian)
Molding the Ideal Islamic Citizen (NY Times)
Effect of Sexual Education on Sexual Health in Iran (ERIC)
A Qualitative Assessment of the Sex Education Needs of Married Iranian Women
Official Sex Education video I | Part II
Youth and Sex Education (BBC Persian Video)
Puberty in Boys and Girls (BBC Persian Video)
First Sexual Experience (BBC Persian Video)
Sex education in the Islamic Republic of Iran - CNN (September 8, 2011)
The challanges of sex education in Iran - BBC Persian (July 16, 2011)
Sexuality and Sex Education in Iran - Qantara (December 1, 2005)
People don't like to talk about sexual issues - BBC Persian (July 21, 2021)
Sexuality Education and female students in Iran - BBC Persian (January 1, 2005)
Sex and Health (Video)
Hamdam App
Tanzim Khanevadeh
Sexual Health
Sexual Satisfaction and its Relation to Marital Happiness in Iranians
Sexual Behavior of Married Iranian Women, Attending Taleghani Public Health Center
Young People's Sexual & Reproductive Health in the Arab States & Iran
Sexual and Reproductive Health (Columbia U.)
Sexual Health (BBC)
Love & Sex (The Independent)
Sex and relationship advice (The Guardian)
Sexual Dysfunctions & Counseling
Psychosexual Therapist Dr. Sara Nasserzadeh
Certified sex therapis Dr. Maryam Mohebbi - Video Channel
STD in Iran
Frequency of Chlamydia trachomatis in Women with Cervicitis in Tehran, Iran
Characteristics of gonorrhoea in Kermanshah, Iran
A prospective study of genital infections in Hamedan, Iran
Epidemiological Fact Sheet of Iran (Islamic Republic of)
UNAids: Iran
Overview on HIV/AIDS and women in Iran-by Masoumeh Ebrahimi Tavani
The age of aids: country profile: iran | PBS
Iranian Health Minister Says HIV Infections Soaring - RFE/RL (December 2, 2013)
Iran's HIV/Aids sufferers struggle for survival - BBC (December 3, 2012)
HIV/AIDS in Iran Lecture - UCLA (January 9, 2007)
Sex and shopping brings HIV crisis in Iran - The Guardian (January 3, 2007)
Actress Mahtab Keramati appointed UNICEF National Ambassador - UNICEF (August 27, 2006) | Video
New Website Provides Vital AIDS Information For Youth (March 15, 2005)
Tehran Begins To Confront The 'Time Bomb' Of HIV/AIDS (November 10, 2003)
Tackling Aids in Iran - BBC (March 20, 2002)
AIDS Information Resource (Persian)
Religion & Sexuality
Sexuality In Islam
Sex in Islam
Islam and Modernity (PBS)
Islam and Modernity (NTPI)
Iran: between tradition and modernity-by Ramin Jahanbegloo
Intellectual Discourse and the Politics of Modernization: Negotiating Modernity in Iran | Read an Excerpt
Iran's intellectual encounter with modernity-by Farzin Vahdat
Dr. Abbas Milani lecture about Modernity
Iranian Identity
Iranain Identity: in three narratives-by Ahamd Ashraf
Iranian Identity - BBC Persian (August 9, 2010)
How to be an Iranian Today
-Lecture by Dr. Ramin Jahanbegloo
How Iran's feminist genie escaped - BBC
Islamic Feminists Transforming Middle East (NPR)
"Islamic feminism": compromise or challenge to feminism?-
"Islamic Feminism And Its Discontents: Notes On A Debate"-by Val Moghadam

Dress Code
Iranian authorities plan to use facial recognition to enforce new hijab law - The Guardian (September 5, 2022)
Arrests and TV confessions as Iran cracks down on womens 'improper' clothing - The Guardian (August 23, 2022)
Anna Vakili reveals she was arrested for wearing skinny Jeans - Daily Mail (April 15, 2022)
Why Iranian authorities force women to wear a veil - DW (December 20, 2020)
Iranian Women Rebel Against Dress Code - HRW (August 6, 2019)
Iran Detains Teen Over Dance Videos Posted On Instagram - RFE/RL (July 8, 2018)
Iranian women defiant against compulsory hijab - DW (February 6, 2018)
Compulsory Veils? Half of Iranians Say ‘No’ to Pillar of Revolution - NY Times (February 4, 2018)
Tehran Police Will No Longer Arrest Women Who Break Dress Code - RFE/RL (December 28, 2017)
What Street Style in Iran Is Really Like - Teen Vogue (October 2, 2017)
We hate the headscarf': can women find freedom in Tehran's female-only parks? - The Guardian (August 9, 2017)
New app breaks silence on sexual health in Iran - France24 (April 21, 2017)
A glimpse into Iran's underground fashion and style - where modelling is illegal - The Independent (April 6, 2017)
Iran cracks down on 'inappropriate' clothes - DW (September 5, 2016)
What the Hijab Really Hides - A Woman's Body or Societal Issues? - Sputnik News (June 22, 2016)
Iranian women's clothing ‘causing rivers to run dry’, says senior cleric - The Independent (June 12, 2016)
Iran arrests eight for 'un-Islamic' Instagram modelling - BBC (May 16, 2016)
Springtime In Iran Means The 'Morality Police' Are Out In Force - NPR (May 3, 2016)
Why so many Iranians have come to hate the hijab - TB (April 28, 2016)
Iranians vent anger at new police morality unit - BBC (April 19, 2016)
Air France headscarf row: what not to wear when visiting Muslim countries - Telegraph (April 4, 2016)
Iran's fashion babes arrested for posing on social media without headscarves - Express (February 23, 2016)
Islamic feminism and miniskirts: The veiled truth about women in Iran - Telegraph (November 3, 2015)
Rouhani clashes with Iranian clergy over women arrested for 'bad hijab' - TB (May 27, 2015)
Dress code breaches spark Iran protests - AAP (May 8, 2014)
Hijab couture - The Economist (April 26, 2014)
Iranians increasingly reluctant to comply with strict hijab rules - BBC Video (April 25, 2014)
Behind the veil - The Economist (October 3, 2013)
Iranian women turn to the 'maison' for shopping and sanctuary - TB (October 2, 2013)
Keep your eyes off those legs - The Economist (September 14, 2013)
The modern and colorful fashion from Shiraz - DW Persian (August 3, 2013)
The Subversive Potential of Hermès Scarves Shirin Aliabadi discloses the desires of young Iranian women - ArtMag (July 11, 2013)
Fashion police - The Economist (May 5, 2013)
Girls beat up Iran cleric over dress code - CNN (September 20, 2012)
Iran's Morality Police Don't Sound Very Fun - The Atlantic Wire (July 22, 2012)
Iran's Moral Police combat the "virus" of Western-oriented women - The Commentator (June 27, 2012)
Your Veil Is a Battleground - NY Times (May 29, 2012)
Ahmadinejad steps into Iran's dress-code debate - WP (December 26, 2011)
Necklace ban for men as Tehran's 'moral police' enforce dress code - The Guardian (June 14, 2011)
Traffic police regulate Iran's dress code - BBC (June 8, 2011)
Iranian models take the hijab to the catwalk - NDTV (January 17, 2011)
Combining fashion and modest dress codes in Iran - NDTV (August 5, 2010)
The great Iranian cover-up - Times of India (July 5, 2010)
Suntanned women to be arrested under Islamic dress code - Telegraph (April 27, 2010)
Wraps off the republic - SMH (September 20, 2009)
The Young Women of Tehran - The Morning News (September 14, 2009)
Iran's hybrids unveiled - The Independent (June 27, 2009)
Attire, opinions of Iranian dress code vary among women and regions - USA Today (November 6, 2008)
Tehran Debates Breaking Dress Code To Broadcast Women At Olympics - RFE/RL (July 23, 2008)
New Iranian dress code crackdown - BBC (June 16, 2008)
Seized - for showing their hair - The Guardian (May 2, 2007)
Crackdown in Iran over dress codes - BBC (April 27, 2007)
Iran police move into fashion business - BBC (January 2, 2007)
Iran launches Islamic dress drive - BBC (April 21, 2006)
Tajikistan bans miniskirts and head scarves - Telegraph (April 18, 2007)
Reform in Iranian Women Dresses? Maybe this is the End? - CHN (January 24, 2006)
Women's fashion in Tehran, Iran - People's Daily (June 22, 2005)
Iran's Parliament Debates National Dress Code - VOA (August 23, 2004)
Why do women in Iran wear the hijab or chador? (Video)-Shahla Haeri
The Veil Unveiled: The Hijab in Modern Culture-by Faegheh Shirazi.
The Veiling Issue in 20th Century Iran in Fashion and Society, Religion, and Government-by Faegheh Shirazi.
Women's Dress and Islam-by Faegheh Shirazi
Hijab and the Iranian women-by Ludmila Yaneva
Hijab in post revolutionary Iran (Newspaper Clippings)
| America
Pro-Hijab Poster
Pahlavi Era celebrities comment on the mini-skirt
Ministry of Education bans mini-skirts
Miniskirt (DW Persian)
A History of the Miniskirt: How Fashion’s Most Daring Hemline Came To Be
Persian Makeup For going to Coffee shops (Funny Video)
Fashion in pre-revolutionary Iran
Traditional & historic costumes of Iran
Restrictions on women's sports
Gender Segregation
Iran's leader hits out at segregation of students - The Scotsman (July 7, 2011)
Gender segregation in universities - University World News (December 6, 2009)
Tehran Opens Controversial Women-Only Park - RFE/RL (May 17, 2008)
Iran has "modern plans" for beach segregation - Reuters (April 12, 2007)
Women Only on Iranian Holiday Island - Spiegel (February 23, 2007)
Debate Sharpens Over Gender Segregation - RFE/RL (November 24, 2006)
Beach for women - Virtual Tourist (August 10, 2006)
Cosmetic Surgery
Sahar Tabar: Iran Instagram star known for plastic surgery arrested for blasphemy - The Guardian (October 7, 2019)
British porn star ‘charms’ & outrages Iranians on Tehran nose job visit - RT (August 1, 2016)
Beauty and Modernity Under the Veil in Iran - Georgetown Journal (June 22, 2016)
Nose Jobs, Tummy Tucks and Breast Enhancements Take Off in Iran - NBC News (May 28, 2016)
These Persian Girls Are Inciting a National Debate Around Nose Jobs - Vice (December 14, 2015)
Plastic surgery in Iran - The Economist (October 24, 2015)
The Complicated Beauty of the Persian Nose - Vice (November 24, 2014)
TV bans actors with plastic surgery - BBC (June 25, 2014)
'Modelling Iranian style?: surgical alterations and the 'porn star' look - TB (March 12, 2014)
Iran is named the nose job capital of world - Daily Mail (March 4, 2013)
The beauty obsession feeding Iran's voracious cosmetic surgery industry - TB (March 1, 2013)
Tehran: Capital of Nose Jobs - U. Wisconsin (April 20, 2011)
Iran: A nation of nose jobs, not nuclear war - Daily Mail (April 21, 2007)
Wealthy Iranians embrace plastic surgery - BBC (October 1, 2006)
Vanity and boredom fuel Iran's nose job boom - The Guardian (May 5, 2005)
Nose Iranian Style (2006) | IMDB
Nose Jobs - Iran (Video)
Alcohol & Drugs
Drugs & Tobacco
Looking for love in Iran - Unreported World (April 15, 2018)
Iran Cracks Down On Valentine’s Day - RFE/RL (February 12, 2016)
Swiping right in the Islamic republic as Tinder takes off in Tehran - TB (May 21, 2015)
Valentines Day thrives in Iran - CNN (February 14, 2014)
Lovestruck in Iran - The Economist (February 14, 2013)
Iran to give permission for spouse-finding websites - The Guardian (September 20, 2012)
Iranians celebrate Valentine's Day despite ban - BBC (February 15, 2012)
look at discursive hegemony of love in Iranian love blogs (2010)-by Maryam Paknahad Jabarooty
Iran cracks down on Valentine's Day - Stuff (January 19, 2011)
Love, Iranian Style - New Yorker (June 29, 2009)
Tehran, city of love - The Guardian (March 4, 2009)
Sacred Canopy: Love and Sex under the Veil - Feb. 2009 (Preview)-by Shahla Haeri
How to find a hot date in Tehran - join the traffic jam - The Guardian (July 14, 2008)
Valentine's Day in Iran - PBS (February 14, 2006)
Valentine's Day in Iran - NPR (February 12, 2004)
Travail of Sexuality and Love in Modern Iran-By Afsaneh Najmabadi
Love: Modern Discourses-By Afsaneh Najmabadi
Online Dating
Iran unveils matchmaking app to promote marriage - BBC (July 13, 2021)
Iran’s Dating Revolution - SBS (July 5, 2016)
Love, Dating and Marriage in Iran on the Web - Newsweek (June 25, 2016)
Iran's regime-approved matchmaking website promotes dating with traditional values - Telegraph (May 11, 2016)
Iran matchmaking site: Why is Tehran getting into the online dating business? - CS Monitor (June 16, 2015)
Internet dating website launched by state - BBC (May 28, 2015)
Meeting, Mating, and Cheating Online in Iran (Spring 2007)-by Pardis Mahdavi
Matchmaking Sites
Female Genital Mutilation
FGM in Iran
Iran - Stop FGM Middle East
Iranian women who need certificates to prove they are virgins - BBC (August 11,2022)
Myths and facts about the hymen - DW Persian (January 1, 2022)
Virginity Still a Commodity in Iran - Mianeh (February 4, 2011)
There Are No Real Virgins in Tehran - Trixie Films (July 6, 2009)
Recreating virginity in Iran - The Guardian (May 12, 2009)
Information on virginity (chastity) tests (UNHCR)
The sexual activity during pregnancy among a group of Iranian women-by M Shoja
Premarital Sex
Poll shows rise in premarital sex in Iran - Y Net (December 31, 2008)
Premarital sex on rise as Iranians delay marriage, survey finds - The Guardian (December 29, 2008)
Sexual Harrasment & Stalking
Sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Voice of America - Politico (April 20, 2010)
'Harassed' Iran student arrested - BBC (June 20, 2008)
Spy camera warning for Iran women - BBC (November 24, 2006)
Women Stalking in Iran (PDF)-Explores the social and legal issues.
Sex-Related Issues
Iran is urging people to have babies — and making life hard for those who don’t want to - LA Times (September 14, 2022)
Lifting the veil - Qantara (September 13, 2022)
Iranian authorities plan to use facial recognition to enforce new hijab law - The Guardian (September 5, 2022)
Iranian women who need certificates to prove they are virgins - BBC (August 11,2022)
Iran bans women from appearing in ads after fury over 'sexy' Magnum commercial - The Mirror (July 31, 2022)
Selling sex to survive in Iran - BBC (March 17, 2022)
Myths and facts about the hymen - DW Persian (January 1, 2022)
Iran doubles down on abortion and contraception restrictions - WP (December 1, 2021
'It's My Decision': Iran's New Population Law Blasted For Restricting Access To Contraceptives, Abortions - RFE/RL (November 18, 2021
Iran: The painful choices of being pregnant and unmarried - BBC (October 23, 2021)
Prostitution in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Open-minded, loving... and desperat - Qantara (October 5, 2021)
Shahr-e No – "the neighbourhood of the sorrowful" - Qantara (September 22, 2021)
Iran Reports Increase In Child Marriages - RFE/RL (August 20, 2021)
Iran unveils matchmaking app to promote marriage - BBC (July 13, 2021)
'No doesn't mean no': Iran's 'Namjoo scandal' triggers debate on sexual abuse - France24 (April 21, 2021)
Iran Moves to Outlaw Sexual Violence and Harassment of Women - NY Times (January 5, 2021)
A #MeToo Awakening Stirs in Iran - NY Times (October 22, 2020)
Iran's declining birth rate alarms country's leaders - DW (July 30, 2020)
Iran ends provision by state of contraceptives and vasectomies - The Guardian (June 16, 2020)
Iran reins in family planning as population ages - BBC (June 15, 2020)
Iran debates 'honor killings' after girl's murder shocks country - DW (June 3, 2020)
Romina Ashrafi: Outrage in Iran over 'honour killing' of girl - BBC (May 27, 2020)
The Iranian opposition fighters who mustn't think about sex - BBC (November 10, 2019)
Sahar Tabar: Iran Instagram star known for plastic surgery arrested for blasphemy - The Guardian (October 7, 2019)
Iranian-American Model Mahlagha Jaberi Goes Braless To Tease Her 2.8 Million Instagram Followers - Inquisitr (June 4, 2019)
Iran's Revolutionary Guards raid modelling agencies for 'promoting vulgarity' - The Independent (May 18, 2019)
Why Iran is a hub for sex-reassignment surgery - The Economist (April 4, 2019)
Iranian couple arrested over public marriage proposal - BBC (March 9, 2019)
Overlooked No More: Forough Farrokhzad, Iranian Poet Who Broke Barriers of Sex and Society - NY Times (January 30, 2019)
The Arab country turning to 'female Viagra' - BBC (January 18, 2019)
Iran TV chief sacked over uncensored Jackie Chan sex scene - BBC (December 31, 2018)
Iranian parents marched daughter to GP for virginity test, court hears - Telegraph (September 18, 2018)
'I risked everything to dance in Iran' - BBC (July 10, 2018)
Maedeh Hojabri: Iran women dance in support of arrested teen - BBC (July 8, 2018)
As Taboos Break Down, Iranians Party On - NY Times (June 2, 2018)
Looking for love in Iran - Unreported World (April 15, 2018)
She Dared to Write Poetry About Sex. Iranians Loved and Hated Her for It. - NY Times (March 21, 2018)
Tehran Police Will No Longer Arrest Women Who Break Dress Code - RFE/RL (December 28, 2017)
Iran challenges taboos on discussing sex as HIV rate rises - Qantara (November 29, 2017)
In vitro fertilization in theocratic Iran - DW (October 27, 2017)
Child marriage in Iran forces girls into a life of oppression - DW (September 11, 2017)
A glimpse into Iran's underground fashion and style - where modelling is illegal - The Independent (April 6, 2017)
Facing a "sex putsch" - Qantara (March 20, 2017)
Iran Official Calls For Sterilization For Sex Workers, Homeless Drug Addicts - RFE/RL (January 1, 2017)
Between desire and taboo - Qantara (December 19, 2016)
Iran fashion workers jailed for 'spreading prostitution' - BBC (December 5, 2016)
More women in Iran are forgoing marriage. One reason? The men aren't good enough - LA Times (November 11, 2016)
Why Iranian Women Spend Big on Cosmetics - Seeker (November 8, 2016)
"City of lies. Love, sex, death and the search for truth in Tehran" - Qantara (October 31, 2016)
Meet the first hijab-wearing Muslim to pose for Playboy - BBC (October 6, 2016)
Sex education is not relevant to pupils' lives, says report - The Guardian (September 12, 2016)
Iran cracks down on 'inappropriate' clothes - DW (September 5, 2016)
Inside ‘the Citadel,’ Iran’s Forgotten Red-Light District - Time Magazine (August 30, 2016)
Muslim Swimsuit Designer: Burkinis and Bikinis Are About Freedom - Time Magazine (August 26, 2016)
Iran Arrests 150 People at Mixed-Gender Party: Report - NBC News (July 27, 2016)
How Fox News Fired and Silenced a Female Reporter Who Alleged Sexual Harassment - NY Magazine (July 23, 2016)
Health Official Says Sexual Transmission Of HIV Rising In Iran - AFP (July 13, 2016)
Iran’s Dating Revolution - SBS (July 5, 2016)
Beauty and Modernity Under the Veil in Iran - Georgetown Journal (June 22, 2016)
Love, Dating and Marriage in Iran on the Web - Newsweek (June 25, 2016)
Iranian women's clothing ‘causing rivers to run dry’, says senior cleric - The Independent (June 12, 2016)
Students seeking sugar daddies for tuition, rent - AP (May 29, 2016)
Nose Jobs, Tummy Tucks and Breast Enhancements Take Off in Iran - NBC News (May 28, 2016)
Iranian students threw a graduation dance party. It cost them 99 lashes each. - WP (May 27, 2016)
Iran arrests eight for 'un-Islamic' Instagram modelling - BBC (May 16, 2016)
Iran's regime-approved matchmaking website promotes dating with traditional values - Telegraph (May 11, 2016)
Jian Ghomeshi to avoid 2nd sex assault trial by signing peace bond, source says - CBC (May 10, 2016)
Iranians vent anger at new police morality unit - BBC (April 19, 2016)
Air France headscarf row: what not to wear when visiting Muslim countries - Telegraph (April 4, 2016)
Jian Ghomeshi found not guilty on choking and all sex assault charges - CBC (March 24, 2016)
Iran's fashion babes arrested for posing on social media without headscarves - Express (February 23, 2016)
Iran Cracks Down On Valentine’s Day - RFE/RL (February 12, 2016)
UN panel rebukes Iran for child sex laws - SBS (February 5, 2016)
A student survey on drugs, sex other health issues - BBC Persian (January 24, 2016)
Dubai in United Arab Emirates a centre of human trafficking and prostitution - SMH (January 20, 2016)
US infiltrates Iran though ‘money and sex’ – supreme leader Khamenei - RT (November 25, 2015)
Islamic feminism and miniskirts: The veiled truth about women in Iran - Telegraph (November 3, 2015)
Plastic surgery in Iran - The Economist (October 24, 2015)
Tajikistan's First Online Sex Shop Tests Tastes, Traditions - RFE/RL (October 16, 2015)
I was a temporary bride - The Guardian (July 11, 2015)
Iran matchmaking site: Why is Tehran getting into the online dating business? - CS Monitor (June 16, 2015)
'White marriage' a growing trend for young couples in Iran - LA Times (May 29, 2015)
Internet dating website launched by state - BBC (May 28, 2015)
Swiping right in the Islamic republic as Tinder takes off in Tehran - TB (May 21, 2015)
Iran bans magazine for encouraging cohabitation over wedlock - report - Reuters (April 27, 2015)
"Mixed-orientation marriages" have always existed, but now they're in the middle of the marriage equality battle - Salon (April 19, 2015)
Iran birth drive 'turns women into baby-making machines' - BBC (March 11, 2015)
Iran's government tries to play matchmaker - The Economist (February 7, 2015)
Richard Dawkins wants to lovebomb Iran - with erotica - The Independent (January 31, 2015)
Can Iran 'control' its cohabiting couples? - BBC (December 9, 2014)
The dress that shocked the Arab world - BBC (November 19, 2014)
CBC fires Jian Ghomeshi over sex allegations - The Star (October 26, 2014)
Iran to ban permanent contraception after Islamic cleric's edict to increase population - The Independent (August 11, 2014)
An official report blows the lid off the secret world of sex - The Economist (August 8, 2014)
High heels and hijabs: Iran's sexual revolution - The New Statesman (August 1, 2014)
TV bans actors with plastic surgery - BBC (June 25, 2014)
The Most Erogenous Parts of the Female Body, Ranked By Science - Time Magazine (May 13, 2014)
How Iran Became One of the World's Most Futuristic Countries - i09 (May 2, 2014)
Tehran - the secret party town - TB (April 17, 2014)
Iran to ban vasectomies - Daily Mail (April 15, 2014)
Iranian women footballers to undergo gender tests - Telegaph (February 7, 2014)
Fernanda Lima and the dress that shocked Iran - BBC (December 10, 2013)
Iranian Health Minister Says HIV Infections Soaring - RFE/RL (December 2, 2013)
The myth of patriarchal oppression in Iran - A Voice for Men (November 24, 2013)
Sex, lies and lithographs: An Iranian epic for the masses - CNN (October 1, 2013)
Iran lawmakers pass bill allowing men to marry adopted daughters - The Guardian (September 26, 2013)
What happens when a piece of feminist artwork is turned into anti-Islamic propaganda? - New Statesman (September 25, 2013)
Keep your eyes off those legs - The Economist (September 14, 2013)
Western promotion of LGBT values a concern? - RT (September 13, 2013)
City of Gold, City of Slaves: Slavery and Indentured Servitude in Dubai - JSS (September 12, 2013)
When I Ran Out of Birth Control in Iran - HP (July 29, 2013)
Sexy spring: How group sex will liberate Iran, China - Salon (July 28, 2013)
Fascinating pictures shed light on the weird and wonderful ways Iranians live behind closed doors - Daily Mail (July 22, 2013)
The Subversive Potential of Hermès Scarves Shirin Aliabadi discloses the desires of young Iranian women - ArtMag (July 11, 2013)
Cross-dressing? criminal sentence in Iran sparks outrage, social media campaign - RT (April 25, 2013)
Can niqabs and bikinis live side-by-side? - BBC (March 26, 2013)
Lovestruck in Iran - The Economist (February 14, 2013)
Even for imams, discussing sex is no longer taboo - The Economist (January 26, 2013)
Iran's HIV/Aids sufferers struggle for survival - BBC (December 3, 2012)
Iranian film shines spotlight on taboo subject of transsexuals - The Guardian (November 2, 2012)
Iran to give permission for spouse-finding websites - The Guardian (September 20, 2012)
Maryam Keshavarz: 'In Iran, anything illegal becomes politically subversive' - The Guardian (August 23, 2012)
Iran urges baby boom, slashes birth-control programs - AP (July 29, 2012)
Iran sets sights on tackling prostitution - BBC (July 26, 2012)
Iran's birth control policy sent birthrate tumbling - LA Times (July 22, 2012)
'Go home and lie', court tells lesbian Iranian - Thelocal (June 12, 2012)
Viewpoint: Taxi sharing in Iran's 'sexual revolution' - BBC (June 11, 2012)
Sex education eliminated from Iran universities - BBC Persian (June 5, 2012)
Joumana Haddad: 'Arab women have been brainwashed' - The Independent (June 2, 2012)
Getting Naked to Change the World - Spiegel (May 11, 2012)
Sexuality in Contemporary Arab Women's Literature - Qantara (May 3, 2012)
First-cousin marriages come under scrutiny - The Independent (April 8, 2012)
Freedom unveiled: Iranian women strip to slam repression - RT (March 9, 2012)
From hijab to skimpy bikini: behind the walled beach - SMH (March 1, 2012)
The cost of a divorce in Iran? Your weight in gold - BBC (February 23, 2012)
Iran's female ninjas: fighting for sexual equality - The Guardian (February 19, 2012)
The Origins of Sex by Faramerz Dabhoiwala - review - The Guardian (February 10, 2012)
Iranian Authorities Arrest Four Over Facebook Beauty Contest - NY Times (January 31, 2012)
Iranian actress causes scandal after stripping down for French magazine - France24 (January 19, 2012)
Sex segregation on the buses divides Israelis - The Independent (December 21, 2011)
Sex is a major cause of divorce in Iran - BBC Persian (December 10, 2011)
Veena Malik sues FHM India magazine over 'nude' photo - BBC (December 5, 2011)
Nude Blogger Riles Egyptians of All Stripes - NY Times (November 17, 2011)
Circumstance Movie Is Not the Revolutionary Portrayal of Iranian Sexual Minorities It Thinks It Is - Huffington Post (November 2, 2011)
Iranian Teens Snub Regime With Halloween Revelry - Huffington Post (November 2, 2011)
Out at beauty contest: Long Beach contestant is first for pageant - OC Register (September 8, 2011)
Iran's top cop offers to resign if boy-girl survey proves true - CNN (October 12, 2011)
Video | Sex Education in the Islamic Republic - TB (September 10, 2011)
Circumstance grazes thematic surface - Daily Trojan (August 28, 2011)
How Lesbians Live in Iran - Daily Beast (August 27, 2011)
Iranian Lesbians Fall Victim To 'Circumstance' - NPR (August 25, 2011)
Living and Loving Underground in Iran - NY Times (August 19, 2011)
Love Crimes of Kabul - Indiewire (July 11, 2011)
Traffic police regulate Iran's dress code - BBC (June 11, 2011)
Circumstance Review - BBC Persian (May 17, 2011)
Movie tackles Iran's youth, sex and drugs - BBC (April 21, 2011)
Tehran: Capital of Nose Jobs - U. Wisconsin (April 20, 2011)
Turkish-German woman's Playboy cover stirs controversy - DW (April 21, 2010)
Passion, Drive Pay Off for Iranian Bikini Designer - VOA (March 24, 2011)
Iran's Rock and Roll Revolutionaries From Los Angeles - NBC (March 4, 2011)
Iranian Censorship of Women's Online Magazines - OWNI (November 17, 2010)
Italian seaside town planning miniskirt ban - BBC (October 24, 2010)
Tajik government promotes ethnic clothing over Islamic - Central Asia Online (October 19, 2010)
Bare skin ban for Muslim pool event - ABC (September 15, 2010)
Lebanese poet Haddad pushes boundaries on erotica - BBC (September 13, 2010)
Tala Raassi (Dar be Dar swimsuit) talks about her line and experience in Iran - Video (September 7, 2010)
Iranian media warned after paper calls Carla Bruni-Sarkozy a 'prostitute' - The Guardian (August 31, 2010)
Women appeal against 'impending hijab ban' at Tajik city market - UNCHR (August 24, 2010)
Diplomat Recalled Over Alleged Iran Sex scandal - allAfrica (July 8, 2010)
The great Iranian cover-up - Times of India (July 5, 2010)
Rima Fakih - The Daily Beast (May 19, 2010) | Video
Extramarital sex 'causes more earthquakes', Iranian cleric claims - Telegraph (April 19, 2010)
Married for a Minute - Mother Jones (March 2010)
How I Survived 40 Lashes - Marie Claire (February 5, 2010)
Interview with Zahra Amir Ebrahimi - BBC Persian (December 31, 2009)
Kurdistan's 'Shakira' causes shock waves in her homeland - LA Times (October 19, 2009)
'Islam Needs a Sexual Revolution' - Spiegel (October 13, 2009)
French ban Muslim woman from pool for wearing 'burkini' swimsuit - Telegraph (August 12, 2009)
Iran rounds up 'porn site bosses' - BBC (April 16, 2009)
Female Genital Mutilation Said To Be Widespread In Iraq's, Iran's Kurdistan - RFE/RL (March 10, 2009)
Iranian police arrest pornographic film actors - The Guardian (March 4, 2009)
Lipstick revolution: Iran's women are taking on the mullahs - The Independent (February 26, 2009)
Muslim women in swimwear: An extension to freedom - Video (February 24, 2009)
Asylum for lesbian on the run from Iran - The Independent (February 16, 2009)
Diplomat arrested in Iran on car sex charge - CNN (February 6, 2009)
Imagine Every Woman's a Nun - Rick Steves (January 2009)
Premarital sex on rise as Iranians delay marriage, survey finds - The Guardian (December 29, 2008)
Tehran in the eyes of the young - The Age (December 8, 2008)
Bikini-free Islamic tourism booms in Turkey - Telegraph (July 7, 2008)
Author jailed for writing ethnic romance as Iran's censors crack down on dissent - The Independent (March 15, 2008)
UN agencies unite against female genital mutilation - UNICEF (February 27, 2008)
Iran's Hedonistic Youth - Journeyman (February 18, 2008)
Lecture addresses sexuality issues in Iran - U. Delaware (October 9, 2007)
Iran to defy west by executing sex offenders - The Guardian (July 11, 2007)
Tajikistan bans miniskirts and head scarves - Telegraph (April 18, 2007)
Women Only on Iranian Holiday Island - Spiegel (February 23, 2007)
Between Two Worlds: 'My Name Is Iran' - NPR (January 9, 2007)
Iranian actor in sex video scandal says ex-fiance faked footage - The Guardian (November 23, 2006)
Outrage in Iran as actress does a "Paris" and her sex video ends up on the net - Daily Mail (November 11, 2006)
Inside Iran : Sex And The City - San Francisco Chronicle (November 9, 2006)
Iranian soap star faces lashing after sex tape made public - The Guardian (November 8, 2006)
Sex and Taboos in the Islamic World - Spiegel (October 20, 2006)
Germany gives Iran lesbian asylum - BBC (August 8, 2006)
Sexuality and Sex Education in Iran - Qantara (December 1, 2005)
Execution of a teenage girl - BBC (July 22, 2006)
Iranian women protest sexual discrimination - NY Times (June 13, 2005)
Sexual revolutionaries - Salon Magazine (April 24, 2005)
Lipstick and political resistance - SF Chronicle (March 13, 2005)
Iran Girl Gets 100 Lashes For Sex - CBS (February 25, 2005)
Drink, drugs and sex on the slopes: the secret world of Iranian youth - BBC Persian (May 8, 2004)
Postcards from Iran: Tehran party - BBC (February 13, 2004)
Sex patrol - Salon Magazine (March 9, 2001)
Battle of the sexualities - BBC (June 26, 2000)
Sex Change
Iran: How transgender people survive ultraconservative rule - DW (May 16, 2021)
How Iran's anti-LGBT policies put transgender people at risk - DW (April 28, 2020)
Why Iran is a hub for sex-reassignment surgery - The Economist (April 4, 2019)
Iran's health insurers to pay for sex change operations - BBC (May 29, 2012)
Sex change film from Iran wins award in US film festival - BBC (April 27, 2012)
Sex-change Iranian actor returns to screens - The Guardian (March 19, 2010)
Iran set to allow first transsexual marriage - The Guardian (September 11, 2009)
Sex change in Iran - BBC (February 26, 2008)
Iran's sex-change operations - BBC (January 5, 2005)
Sex-change Iranian hates life as woman - The Guardian (June 20, 2000)
Gender Identity Organization of Iran
Be Like Others Documentary
Sexual Minorities
Iran: Discrimination and Violence Against Sexual Minorities - HRW (December 15, 2010)
Iran: Treatment of lesbians - Canadian Immigration (July 1, 1999)
Sexual Revolution
Sexy spring: How group sex will liberate Iran, China - Salon (July 28, 2013)
Janet Afary: Is the Islamic Republic of Iran Headed for a Sexual Revolution? - JA , April 17, 2009
Stolen Kisses: Iran's Sexual Revolutions - The Nation (November 25, 2008)
Passionate Uprisings Iran's Sexual Revolution (Online Book)
Pardis Mahdavi talks about "Iran's Sexual Revolution" - UCLA (November 19, 2008)
Foucault, the Frankfurt School, and Sexuality in Modern Iran-Lecture by Janet Afary
Genus of Sex-Lecture by Afsaneh Najmabadeh
Selling sex to survive in Iran - BBC (March 17, 2022)
Prostitution in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Open-minded, loving... and desperat - Qantara (October 5, 2021)
Shahr-e No – "the neighbourhood of the sorrowful" - Qantara (September 22, 2021)
Inside ‘the Citadel,’ Iran’s Forgotten Red-Light District - Time Magazine (August 30, 2016)
Experts say generation gap leading cause of runaways, prostitution in Iran - TB (October 10, 2014)
Shahr No - BBC Persian (January 6, 2013)
Iran sets sights on tackling prostitution - BBC (July 26, 2012)
Dating site 'prostitution', says Iran - The Guardian (December 11, 2008)
Prostitute Scandal Rattles Tehran Government - Spiegel (April 28, 2008)
How To Spot a Persian Prostitute - Slate (April 23, 2008)
Iran anti-vice chief 'in brothel' - BBC (April 16, 2008)
Iran: The Story of Leila - BBC (November 22, 2007)
Iran: Proposal Debated For Solving Prostitution With 'Chastity Houses'
Prize-Winning Documentary Exposes Hidden Side Of Iranian Society
Drugs and prostitution - Iran uncovered - BBC (December 11, 2002)
Prostitution in Iran (Interview) - Entekhab Daily (June 11, 2002)
Documented trafficking and/or prostitution rings in Iran (1995-2003)
Prostitution Documentary Part I: Shahr No (Pahlavi Era)
Prostitution Documentary Part II: Shahr No (Pahlavi Era)
Prostitution Behind the Veil Documentary
Sex Trade
Trafficking in Persons Report 2018 (USDOS)
Sex trafficking gang offered to sell young virgins to wealthy Arabs - The Guardian (September 14, 2010)
Trafficking in Persons Report 2009 - Iran (UNHCR)
Traffic Jam: Gender, Labor, Migration and Trafficking in Dubai - Wilson Center (October 09 2009)
Epitaph: Documentary film on Iranian Sex Trade
Why Iran's youth don't fly the nest - TB (March 14, 2014)
Youth in Iran: Inside and Out - NY Times (January 16, 2014)
Youth in Iran Part 4: Crazy for Sports - Iran Primer (August 20, 2013)
Youth in Iran Part 3: The Politics of Fashion - Iran Primer (August 19, 2013)
Youth in Iran Part 2: Parkour Fever - Iran Primer (August 13, 2013)
Youth in Iran Part 1: "The Determinators" - Iran Primer (August 9, 2013)
Iran's youth drop the booze bomb - DW (May 27, 2013)
Pinched Aspirations of Iran's Young Multitudes - NY Times (May 7, 2012)
The Iranian Baby Boom - Slate (June 12, 2009)
Iranian youth between two worlds - France24 (February 9, 2009)
Iran's Hedonistic Youth - Journeyman (February 18, 2008)
Iran: The Power of Youth - Spiegel (July 12, 2004)
The Youth (Iran Primer)
Barriers to sexual health care: a survey of Iranian-American physicians in California, USA (July 2016)
Concepts of sexuality and health among iranian women in Australia (March 2008)
Iranian Immigrants' perceptions of sexuality in Canada - Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality (2007)
Sexuality, Dating, and Double Standards: Young Iranian Immigrants in Los Angeles (IS)
Sexuality in the Iranian American Community
Sex & Fesenjoon (Iranian-American Blog)

Harem in ancient Iran (Iranica)
Zoroastrianism & Sexual Hygiene
Zoroastrianism & The seclusion of menstruating women
Cleansing in Zoroastrianism (Iranica)
Gender Reforms and Female Sexuality in the Pahlavi Era (Video)-Lecture by Dr. Janet Afary
Women of Pahlavi Era (Video)
Pahlavi Era: Miss Iran (Gallery)
Women's Sports in Pahlavi Era (Gallery)
Sex and Intimacy in Iran’s Revolutionary Generation (Video)
Beauty, Love, and Sexuality in Qajar Iran
Women's World in Qajar Iran
Women of Persia and Their “Domestic Superstitions”: A 17th Century Manual for the Female Sex
Riza Abbasi
Hossein Behzad
Mahmoud Farshchian

Censoring an Iranian Love Story. a novel. by Shahriar Mandanipour
| Lecture
Iraj Mirza | Divan
Erotic Literature (Iranica)
Love & Sexuality in Persian Literature (DW Persian)
The Ecstatic Poetry of Hafiz
Persian Love Poetry
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Omar Khayyam, A Lover in Heat
Rumi Love Quotes
Rumi: The Book of Love: Poems of Ecstasy and Longing
Sa'di & Sexuality (BBC Persian)
Sex, lies and lithographs: An Iranian epic for the masses (CNN)
A Woman Alone--Forough Farrokhzad
Hila Sedighi: I'm iranian woman (Video)
Tehran Taboo (2017)-Directed by Ali Soozandeh
Circumstance (2010)-Directed by Maryam Keshavarz
Dog Sweat 'Aragh-e Sagi' (2010)-Directed by Hossein Keshavarz
In the Bazaar of Sexes (2009)-Directed by Sudabeh Mortezai
My Tehran For Sale (2009)-Directed by Granaz Moussavi
The Slap - Journey by train (2008)-Short directed by Ehsan Amani
Niloofar (2008)-Sabine El Gemayal | Interview
Be Like Others (2008)-Documentary directed by Tanaz Eshaghian
Four Wives One Man (2007)-Directed by Nahid Persson Sarvestani
Persepolis (2007) - Marjane Satrapi | Interview
A Dowry for Mahrou (2006)-Directed by Samira Eskandarfa
Fireworks Wednesday (2006)
Love Iranian - American Style (2006)
One Night (2005)-Directed by Niki Karimi | Reviews
When Fish Fall in Love (2005)-Directed by Ali Rafiee
Zarin (2005) - Shirin Neshat | Trailer
Zohre & Manochehr (2004)-Directed by Mitra Farahani
20 Fingers (2004)-Directed by Mania Akbari
The Color of Love (2003)-Directed by Maryam Keshavarz
Divorce Iranian Style (1998)- Directed by Kim Longinotto and Ziba Mir-Hosseini
Leila (1996)-Directed by Dariush Mehrjui
The May Lady (1998)-Directed by Rakhshan Bani Etemad
Nargess (1992)-Directed by Rakhshan Bani Etemad
Negin Farsad
Persian Girls
Solo I
Solo II
Solo III
Solo IV
Solo V
Group I
Group II
Fashion in Iran
Fashion in pre-revolutionary Iran
The women of Iran's underground metal scene - BBC (November 16, 2021
'It will rock your house!' Inside the Iranian electronic underground - The Guardian (March 25, 2019)
Rocking the casbah: the gig of a lifetime that put Iranian women back on stage - The Guardian (March 16, 2015)
Female Singing At Center Of New Attacks Against Iran's Rohani - RFE/RL (February 7, 2015)
The Persian Underground review - the story of of Iran's rock rebels - The Guardian (October 2, 2014)
Alone again, naturally: women singing in Iran - TB (August 29, 2014)
Iran's underground music scene - AP (July 9, 2013)
Iran's Rock and Roll Revolutionaries From Los Angeles - NBC (March 4, 2011)
Music fails to chime with Islamic values - The Guardian (August 2, 2010)
Iran's underground rock scene thrives despite censors - BBC (March 25, 2010)
Banned in Iran: Take It Easy Hospital - The Guardian (March 20, 2010)
Iran's underground pop gypsies - BBC (February 27, 2009)
Music blogging in Iran - BBC (December 15, 2008)
Iran declares ban on western music - The Guardian (December 20, 2005)
Iran's self-styled rapping aristocrat - BBC (December 14, 2004)
Sample Music
Chris de Burgh and The Arian Band - The Words I Love You
Arezoo: Asheghetam
Darajeye I
Darajeye II
Donya - "Koo Ta Biad"
Erfan: Dobareh
Farinaz be name zan
Female Rapper Asal
Firoozeh: Bahooneh
KamyR: Ey Jaan
Mehrnoosh: Cheshmat
Sepideh: Doost Daram
Susan Roshan: Nabavari
Morvarid Vahdati: Hurt
Flaunting their sexuality
Sandra Soheyla Ahrabian | Video
Mona Babadi | Video
Catherine Bell | Video
Nadja Bjorlin | Video
Bita Daryabari | Video
Tala Golzar | Video
Mahlagha Jaberi | Video
Shaghayegh Claudia Lynx | Video
Nazanin Mandi | Video
Leyla Milani | Video
Sara-Joleen Moghaddam | Video
Negin Mirsalehi | Video
Parisa Montazaran
Yekta Nikou | Video
Elena Norouzi | Video
Nasanin Nuri | Video
Malina Rojel
Giulia Salemi | Video
Sara Racey Tabrizi | Video
Saghar Sadri | Video
Sarah Shahi | Video
Shermine Shahrivar | Video
Morvarid Vahdati | Video
Saye Yabandeh
Janet Afary: Sexual Politics in Modern Iran
Janet Afary: Foucault and the Iranian Revolution: Gender and the Seductions of Islamism | Interview
Janet Afary: Iranian Romance in the Digital Age: From Arranged Marriage to White Marriage
Faramerz Dabhoiwala: The Origins of Sex: A History of the First Sexual Revolution
Willem Floor: A Social History of Sexual Relations in Iran
Shahla Haeri: Law of desire: temporary marriage in Shi'i Iran (online)
Shahram Khosravi: Young and Defiant in Tehran | Preview
Fatemeh Keshavarz: Jasmine and Stars: Reading More Than Lolita in Tehran | Interview
Pardis Mahdavi: Passionate Uprisings Iran's Sexual Revolution | Interview
Pardis Mahdavi: Labor, Migration, and Human Trafficking in Dubai
Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, John McBrewster: Sex Segregation in Iran
Ziba Mir-Hosseini and Vanja Hamzic: Control and Sexuality: The Revival of Zina Laws in Muslim Contexts
Kamran Talattof: Modernity, Sexuality, and Ideology in Iran
Lois Beck & Guity Nashat: Women in Iran from 1800 to the Islamic Republic
Afsaneh Najmabadi: Women with mustaches, men without beards
Maryam Taherifard: Sittlichkeit und Sinnlichkeit: weibliche Sexualität im Iran
Jacquiline Rudolph-Touba: Highlights of sex-age characteristics in Iran, 1956-1966: a sociological interpretation
Medicine, Public Health, Drugs, Psychiatry, Sex
Women and Gender Issues
Editor's Note:
Science-Metrix a Montreal-based company reports that Iran is showing fastest worldwide growth in science. For example, Iran is at the forefront of stem cell research. Sexuality is not a taboo subject in Iran. Virtually every aspect of sex is is discussed in scientific terms. The Family planning and HIV/AIDS prevention programs rank highest in the region. Tehran University of Medical Sciences publishes over 34 scientific journals. Sexuality is often discussed in these journals. Here is an example. Furthermore, newspapers and magazines also cover sex-related issues. Several translated article from Persian publications have been posted in this index to show that these topics are discussed. The news posted by Western media is often biased and exaggerated. Iran is portrayed as a backward, primitive country and in need of regime change. The title of the articles are often harsh and politically biased. However, scholars have argued that Iranian women are not voiceless victims in a country of villans". In response, we can point to the many ills of Western society and argue for regime change too.
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