Persian Gulf Oil Fires

Persian Gulf Oil Fires

Persian Gulf Oil Fires - one of the more dramatic images showing a large area of thick, black smoke - NOAA (March 11, 1991)
Persian Gulf Oil Fires - NOAA (March 9, 1991)
Persian Gulf Oil Fires - NOAA (March 7, 1991)
Persian Gulf Oil Fires - close-up view of the oil fires in Kuwait - NOAA (March 7, 1991)
Persian Gulf Oil Fires - striking color enhanced image showing numerous fire plumes and hot spots in Kuwait and Iraq - NOAA (Feb 12, 1991)
Persian Gulf Oil Fires - enhanced color image showing numerous smoke plumes and heat signatures in Kuwait and Iraq - NOAA (Feb 10, 1991)
Persian Gulf Oil Fires - enhanced image from NOAA-11 - NOAA (Feb 8, 1991)
Persian Gulf region just prior to the start of Desert Storm and the torching of the Kuwaiti Oil Wells - NOAA (Jan 15, 1991)

All images are public domain and courtesy of NOAA/National Climatic Data Center

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