Christiane Amanpour

Christiane Amanpour talks about IWMF Awards - Beverly Hills (October 16, 2008)

Christiane Amanpour - by QH

Christiane Amanpour with award recepients: Sevgul Uludag (Cyprus), AP chief correspondent Edith Lederer , Afghan Journalist Farida Nekdaz - by QH

Christiane Amanpour - by QH

Christiane Amanpour & Qumars Hojjaty - by QH  Christiane Amanpour &  Candice Hakimfar

Acclaimed CNN Correspondent Christiane Amanpour was mistress of ceremonies at the IWMF courage of journalism awards. IWMF recognizes three courageous women journalists each year. Amanpour had won the award in 1994 and now serves on the board of IWMF.


Interview with Christiane Amanpour - Real Video (1:46)-by Candice Hakimfar

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Christiane Amanpour (CNN)

*This was truly a women's night. I felt totally out of place.

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