Masserat Amir-Ebrahimi - UCLA (January 19, 2007)

Masserat Amir-Ebrahimi - UCLA (January 19, 2007)

Masserat Amir-Ebrahimi - UCLA (January 19, 2007) - by QH

Masserat Amir-Ebrahimi - UCLA (January 19, 2007) - by QH

Masserat Amir-Ebrahimi is an associate researcher at 'Le Monde Iranian' CNRS in Paris. She holds s PhD in Human, Economic and Regional Geography from the Universite de Paris X-Nanterre. She was the executive coordinator of the Atlas of Tehran Metropolis (Published in 2005 in Tehran by TGIC in three languages). She is now a Nikki Keddie-Balzan Fellow in the Departments of Sociology and Geography at UCLA. she is conducting research on gender and public spaces in Iran.

Title of the Lecture: Transgression in narration: the life of Iranian women in cyberspace

This lecture was part of the Workshop on "New Ideas for Middle Eastern Societies" organized by Professor Nikki Keddie.

This is a rough paper and unpublished. Therefore, we cannot make a quotation from it. You can read her previous article on Iranian weblogs here.

Related Links
Masserat Amir Ebrahimi (CNRS)
Performance in Everyday Life and the Rediscovery of the "Self" in Iranian Weblogs - Bad Jens (September 2004)
Interview with Bad Jens: Tehran: Fragmented and Feminized

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