Pardis Mahdavi - UCLA (November 19, 2008)

Pardis Mahdavi talks about "Iran's Sexual Revolution" - UCLA (November 19, 2008)

Pardis Mahdavi - UCLA (November 19, 2008) - by QH

Pardis Mahdavi - UCLA (November 19, 2008) - by QH     Pardis Mahdavi - UCLA (November 19, 2008) - by QH     Pardis Mahdavi - UCLA (November 19, 2008) - by QH

Pardis Mahdavi - UCLA (November 19, 2008) - by QH     Pardis Mahdavi - UCLA (November 19, 2008) - by QH



Dr. Pardis Mahdavi talks about "Iran's Sexual Revolution" - Real Video (4:16)

Title of the lecture: Changing Youth and Changing Sexual Identities in the Wake of Irans Sexual Revolution
Sponsor: This lecture was part of the Center for Near Eastern Studies Bilingual Lecture Series on Iran.

Pardis Mahdavi is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Pomona College. She was trained as a medical anthropologist and her interests include socio-cultural aspects of health and healing, gender, sexuality, and advocacy within anthropology. Her dissertation was on the intersection of sexuality and politics in post-revolutionary Iran, and is now a book entitled, Passionate Uprisings: Iran's Sexual Revolution. She has done research in Iran, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Egypt and New York City.

Related Links
Pardis Mahdavi
Passionate Uprisings Iran's Sexual Revolution (Stanford U. Press)

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