UN Security Council resolution 642 (1989)

S/RES/0642 (1989)
29 September 1989

RESOLUTION 642 (1989)

Adopted by the Security Council at its 2885rd meeting, on 29 September 1989

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 598 (1987) of 20 July 1987, 619 (1988) of 9 August 1988 and 631 (1989) of 8 February 1989,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group of 22 September 1989 (S/20862), and taking note of the observations expressed therein,


(a) To call once again upon the parties concerned to implement immediately Security Council resolution 598 (1987);

(b) To extend the mandate of the United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group for a further period of six months, that is, until 31 March 1990;

(c) To request the Secretary-General to submit, at the end of this period, a report on the developments in the situation and the measures taken to implement Security Council resolution 598 (1987).

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