Iran: Civil Society - جامعه مدنی

Civil Society

Labor | Labor Law | NGO Law | Articles | News | Diaspora | Student Movement | Women's Movement | E-learning | Books | Video | General Resources

Flag of Islamic Republic of Iran

BackgroundAzadi Monument: Anniversary of the 1979 Revolution
Civil Society How To (English/Persian)
Iranian Civil Society and the Role of U.S. Foreign Policy (CFR)
Special Issues on Civil Society in Iran (FIS)
State of Civil Society in Iran-by Sohrab Razzaghi
Civil Society in Iran Factsheet-Iran Rooyan
Civil Society - USDOS (Persian)
The Civil Society Discourse in Iran (JSTOR)
Civil Society (OHCHR)
The open society (Economist)

Iran's labor flashpoint (Iran Primer)
Iran: International Trade Union Confederation

Labor Law
Iran Labour Law (ILO)
Iran Labor Code (ILO)
Report on Iran's Labor Market (ILO)

NGO Regulations in Iran (ICNL)
A Synopsis of Law Reform for Iranian NGOs
NGOs in Iran (UNODC)
Iran's NGO Bill

Arseh Sevom
Iranian Children's Rights Society
Mercy for All
Mehr Foundation (Archive)
Omid Foundation
Iranian NGOs

Civil society of Iran - Fanack (Septemeber 26, 2018)
How Iranians use of an app is changing politics and civil society - WP (April 26, 2016)
Upgrading Civil Society in Iran: Dynamics of Adaptation - MEI (September 17. 2015)
Iranian Civil Society: Investing in the Public Sphere to Create Lasting Institutional Change - Indiana U. (June 2014)
Iranian Activist Flees Iran, Says 'Civil Society Is In A State Of Desperation' - RFE/RL (April 25, 2013)
Strangulation of Iran's civil society - CNN (December 14, 2012)
Iranian Civil Society Reflections on the Military Option - ICHRI (July 2011)
Iranian Labor and the Struggle for Independent Unions - Inthesetimes (April 22, 2011)
Fear and Iran's Civil Society - VOA (April 12, 2011)
Iran: Parliament Ignores Concerns of Independent Civil Society Organisations Over Draft Bill - HRW (April 10, 2011)
Iran: Independent Civil Society Organizations facing obliteration - Amnesty (April 4, 2011)
Clinton Opens 'Strategic Dialogue' with Civil Society Groups - USDOS (February 16, 2011)
NGOs quietly press for access to Iran - CS Monitor (September 30, 2010)
Civil society and democracy in Japan, Iran, Iraq and beyond - Vanderbilt Law (March 2010)
US cuts funding to Iran opposition - BBC (October 20, 2009)
Iranian Civil Society,U.S. Engagement, and Opportunities for Reform - CSID (May 5, 2009)
Human Rights and Civil Society in Iran: A Conversation with Nobel - CEIP (February 2, 2009)
Iran's Resilient Civil Society - Journal of Democracy (October 2007)
The State of Civil Society & NGOs Under Iran's New Government - Wilson Center (November 7, 2005)
Iran: Civil Society versus Judiciary, a Struggle for Human Rights - Cornell Law (April 3, 2004)
Iran: Growing NGO Community Offers Political Activism Where Government Does Not - RFE/RL (February 16, 2004)
Civil Society in Iran (December 2001)
NGOs take on new roles in Iran - Alliance (June 1, 2001)
Islamic State and Civil Society in Iran (2001)
The Civil Society Discourse in Iran - BJMES (2001)
Civil Society Action for Good Association Law: The Case of Iran - World Bank (March 2000)-by Baquer Namazi
Civil Society and the Rule of Law in the Constitutional Politics of Iran Under Khatami - Iran Review (2000)
President Khatami's speech at the United Nations General Assembly (September 21, 1998)
Emerging Civil Society in Iran - SAIS Review (Summer-Fall 1996)

Democracy and Civil Society (IIP Digital)
Iran NGO News
Asreh Sevom

Cultural Affairs Offices
Opposition Abroad

Student Movement
The Student Movement in the Islamic Republic of Iran
The Revival of the Student Movement in Post-Revolutionary Iran

Women's Movement
The Women's Movement-by Haleh Esfandiari
A brief history of women's movements in Iran from 1850 - 2001-by Massoume Price


Mianeh School of Journalism

The Formation of Civil Society in Modern Iran
Civil Society and Democracy in Iran

Attack on civil society in Iran (HRW)
Prospects for Democracy in Iran: Civil Society (The Hoover Institution)
Iranian Civil Society: Past, Present, and Future (Carnegie Endowment)
Human Rights and Civil Society in Iran (CEIP)
Human Rights, Civil Society & Democracy in Iran
Lecture on Iranian civil society and relation with the US - USC (April 20, 2008)

General Resources
UN and Civil Society
The World Bank and Civil Society

Related Links
Democracy Index
Human Rights Index
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