Constitution (ICL-English)
-Adopted in 1979 and amended in 1989.
Constitution (English)-From Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.
Constitution (Persian)-From Iran's Parliament website.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (Chief of State)
-The official site provides profile of the leader, decrees, speeches, audio/video and much more. | Qom Office
President Masoud Pezeshkian (Head of Government)
-Features biographies of the President and members of the cabinet. | Presidential Research Center & Documents
Vice President of Iran Mohammad Reza Aref
Official Government Site
Government of Islamic Republic of Iran-News and communications from government.
Official Name of Parliament: Majlis-e-Shuray-e Islami (National Assembly)

Majlis Research Center (Persian)-The official Parliament site provides extensive information on the activities, organisation and members of the legislative body.
Speaker of the Parliament Bio
Majlis Deputies-The 290-members are elected by popular vote to serve four-year terms. Read profiles of all Parliament deputies.
Majlis Research Center
Majlis Research Journal - Majlis va Pajohesh (Persian)
Mellat Electronic Newspaper (Persian/English)-Provides comprehensive news and information on the activities of the legislature. Includes current affairs and economic news.
Parliament Legal Affairs (Persian)
Majlis Library (English/Persian)
-Consists of library, museum and historical documents.
The World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries: Iran (Deutscher Bundestag)-Provides information on the Majlis library.
Majlis Monitor-Monitor the performance of Iran?s parliament
General Information about the Parliament (IPU)-by Inter-Parliamentary Union
Parliament Primer
Supreme Audit Court-Responsible for auditing and Accountability for the Parliament.
The Guardian Council (Shoraye Negahban)-The twelve appointed members screen all potential candidates for Assembly of Experts, President and Parliament. The conservative council has the authority to veto legislation they judge to be inconsistent with the Constitution or Islamic law. In Persian only.
Iran Judiciary (English/Persian)-Information on laws, courts, affiliated organizations and more.
Iran's supreme court (Divan Alee Keshvar)
Iran Judiciary: Dastour-Databases for Archival and Primary legal Sources.
The Judiciary Law Journal
Iran Judiciary: Legal Documents Office
Judiciary Development (Persian)
Iran's Judicial Training & Research Center (English/Persian)-Provides an overview of the judicial system. Includes selected laws, legal articles and links to related sites.
Faculty of Judical Sciences
Center for Judiciary Lawyers and Experts
Tehran Judiciary (Dadgostary)-In Persian only.
Iran Military Court (Persian)-Provides information on the courts jurisdiction and procedures. Includes news and online journals.
Iranian Official Journal-In Persian Only
Judiciary News
Judiciary Branch General Inspectionn Organization-In Persian Only
Notary Public
Prosecutor's Office (Dadsetani)
Sabt - Registration of deeds and properties (Persian)
Supreme Audit Court
State Structure
Leadership | Judiciary | Executive | Legislative
Iran: Government (CIA)-Provides an overview of government and politics in Iran.
Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments (CIA)-Updated monthly.
Iran Government And Society (Britannica)
Official Profile (UN)
-A comprehensive country profile that focuses on Iran's history, culture, economy, society and government.
The Islamic Republic?s Power Centers (CFR)
Who's Who (BBC)-A collection of Profiles of notable contemporary Iranians. Includes profiles of government officials.
Iran: Who Holds the Power (BBC)
-Learn about how Iran's complex political system works and who really wields the power.
The Structure Of Power In Iran (PBS)
Iran's Constitution & Structure of governance (Video/Persian)
The Assembly of Experts-Appoints the Supreme Leader and monitors his performance and can remove him. The 86 members are elected for an eight year term.
Hokoumat-e Eslami (Assembly of Experts journal)
The Expediency Council-An advisory body for the Leader which has the responsibilty of resolving the difference between the jusdiciary and the parliament. All the members are appointed by the Supreme Leader.
The Guardian Council (Shoraye Negahban)-The twelve appointed members screen all potential candidates for Assembly of Experts, President and Parliament. The conservative council has the authority to veto legislation they judge to be inconsistent with the Constitution or Islamic law. In Persian only.
Biographies of Cabinet Members
Government Ministries
Ministry of Agricultural Jahad (English/Persian)-Provides information about various aspects of Iranian agriculture. Includes information on climate, water resources, forests, fisheries and more.
Agricultural Research and Education organization (AREO)-The research arm for the Ministry of Agricultural Jahad.
Agricultural Planning, Economic and Rural Development Research Institute
Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran
Ministry of Industry, Mine & Trade (Formely Commerce)
-Economic news and information (English/Persian)
Chamber of Commerce
-Provides trade information and links.
Iran Export Magazine--Bimonthly trade magazine focusing on foreign trade and economic issues.
Iran Trade Point Organization
Cooperative (Merged with Labor and Social Affairs)
Ministry of Cooperative Cooperative, Labor and Social Affairs
Culture and Islamic Guidance
Ministry of Culture & Islamic Guidance Network (Ershad)
Supreme council of cultural revolution
Ministry of Culture: Press Relations Office
Ministry of Culture: Public Relations
Hadj & Pilgrimage Organization
Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization
Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO)
Shabestan News Agency
Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistic
Ministry of Defence Legion Expert
AJA (Army)
Aerospace Industries Organization (A.I.O.)-Engaged in the research, design, development and manufacture of missiles and aerospace projects.
Iran Aircraft Manufacturing-Engaged in the design, development and manufacture of the AN-140, Abadil and Sanjaghak aircrafts.
Defence Industries Organization (D.I.O.)
-Established in 1924, D.I.O. produces a wide range of military equipment.
Ammunition Industries Group (AMIG)-Designs, develops and manufactures a full range of ammunition and small arms.
Iran Electronics Industries (IEI Military)-Designs, develops and produces electronics for aerospace and military applications.
Economic affairs and Finance
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance (Persian)
Vice Ministry of Economic affairs and Finance
Economic and Financial Databank of Iran
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance News Center
Iran Audit Organization
Economic Research Institute
School of Economic Affairs
IRI Customs-Provides information about duties and rules & regulations. Includes trade statistics and tips for travellers.
Iran Privatization Organization (Persian)
State Tax Organization (STO)-Deals with the enforcement of the Iranian tax law.
Secretariat of Supreme Council on Anti-Money Laundering
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education: Organization for Educational Research Planning
Research Institute for Education
University for Teachers and Educators
Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies
Nahad (Supreme leader's representative at Universities)
Roshd Network
Science and Arts Foundation
Ministry of Energy (Water and Power)
Ministry of Energy - News (Persian)
Ministry of Energy: Energy Information Center
Ministry of Energy: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization
Iran Electricity market
Iranian Association for Energy Economics
Ministry of Energy: Water & Wastewater Engineering (Persian)
Tavanir-Responsibile for the preservation and development of national assets in power industry.
Niroo Research Institute
Iran Water Resources Management Organization
Department of Water News
Water Research Institute
Foreign Affairs
Iran's Foreign Ministry
-Information about Iran's foreign policy, treaties, organizational chart and Iranian missions.
Department of Research and Education Ministry Of Foreign Affairs
IPIS: Department of Research & Education (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)-The think tank of the Foreign Ministry.
Journal of Foreign Policy (IPIS)
Library for Political and International Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (LPIS)
Iranian Journal of International Affairs
Strategic Council for Foreign Relations
School of International Relations
Institute for Middle East Strategic Studies
Foreign relations of Iran
Ministry of Health and Medical Education
Ministry of Health related websites
The Academy of Medical Sciences
Medical Universities
Food and Drug Administration
Food and Drug Department News
National Medical Device Directive
Iranian Red Crescent
Medical Service Insurance Organization (MSIO)-Provides insurance for government employees, self-employed and rural households.
Pasteur Institute of Iran
Roads & Urban Development
Ministry of Roads & Urban Development (English/Persian)-Provides consumer information, news, laws & regulations, statistics and more.
Building & Housing Research Center
MHUD: Civil Engineering & Construction Division (Nezam Mohandesi)
Iran Construction Information Center (I.C.I.C)
Information & Communications Technology
Ministry of Information & Communications Technology
Data Communication of IRAN (DCI)
Telecommunications Company of Iran
Iran Telecommunication Research Center
Iran ICT
Post Co. of Iran
Iran Space Agency
Intelligence & Security
Intelligence Ministry
Minister of Intelligence
MOIS Profile
Ministry of Interior (Persian)
Ministry of Justice
Labor & Social Affairs
Ministry of Cooperative, Labor and Social Affairs
Labour and Social Security Institute (Persian)
Ministry of Labor Social Affairs: Technical and Vocational Training Organization -Provides training center for skilled courses and applied training.
Civil Servant Pension Fund (Persian)
Industries and Mines
Ministry of Industries and Mines
Bank of Industry and Mine
Geological Survey of Iran
National Geoscience Database of Iran
Ministry of Petroleum
Science, Research and Technology
Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT)
-Responsible higher education in Iran.
MSRT - IRPHE-Responsible for Research and Planning.
National Research Institute for Science Policy
Technology Cooperation Office-provides scientific and industrial consultations to the president's office.
Research Centers & Scientific Institutions
Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS)
Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI)
Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (NIC)
Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)
International Institute of earthquake Engineering and seismology
Iranian National Center for Oceanography
Iranian Organization of Scientific & Technical Research (IROST)
Iranian Information and Documentation Center
Iran Scientific Network
Iranian Society of Civil Engineers
Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (I H C S)
Detailed list of research centers in Iran
Ministry of Road & Urban development (Persian)-Provides news, information, statistics and links to related sites.
IT Committee of the Ministry of Roads and Transportation (Persian)
Brief History of Ministry of Road & Transportation
Civil Aviation Organization
-Responsible for civil aviation safety and planning, development and upkeep of aviation infrastructure. Official site; includes information about airlines and travel/tour operators.
Iranian Railways (English/Persian)
-Provides comprehensive information about the Iranian rail Network.
Port & Maritime Organization of IRI-Provides information on port facilities, services, news, rules and regulations, tariffs and statistics.
Transportation and Terminals Organization (TTO)-Provides laws and regulations, information on routes, news, links to related sites and more.
Ministry of Youth & Sports (Formerly Physical Education Organization)-Provides news, general information, a gallery of images, information on various sports federations and links to related sites.
List of sports federations in iran
Public Relations
Spokesman of IRI Government (Persian)
The Office of Public Engagement-Provides a direct dialogue between the Predident and the people of Iran.
Departments & Agencies
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
Bonyad Mostazafan-This public foundation is the largest economic conglomerate in the coutry.
Central Bank of Iran
-Responsible for Iranian monetary policy, issuing banknotes and coins, regulating and supporting Iran's principal systems for clearing and settling payments.
Civil Servant Retirement Organization (Persian)-Provides background information, news and information on services.
Department of Environment (English/Perisan)-Provides information on the organizational structure, laws & regulations, statistics, image gallery, links and much more.
Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran-Aims at accelerating the industrialization of Iran.
Iran Meteorological Organization-Climate information for Iran. Includes forecasts, statistics, satellite images, weather maps and more.
Center for Women and Family Affairs
Iran National Commission for UNESCO
Iran Tourism & Touring Organization (Official Site)
-Provides information on tourist attractions, agencies, accommodation and transportation.
Strategic Studies-Research unit of the Iranian president's office dedicated to the study of political and strategic issues.
Welfare Organization (Behzisti)
Management & Planning Organizations
Iran Management and planing organization (MPORG)
-In Persian only.
Vice Ministry of Management and Planning-In Persian only.
State Management and Planning Organization
National Cartographic Center (NCC)
National Iranian Productivity Organization (NIPO)
Statistical Center of Iran (SCI)-Provides official statistics data on population, agriculture, manufacturing, household budget, trade and economy of Iran.
Statistical Research Center-An affiliate of the Statistical Center of Iran.
Department of National Registration and Statistics (Sabt-e-Ahval)
Contact Info
Address, Telephone and Fax numbers of Important Ministries
National Library and Archives of Iran
Library for Political and International Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (LPIS)
The Database for Iranian Libraries
NGO Regulations in Iran (ICNL)
NGOs Telephone List in Iran
Provincial Governments
Embassies and Missions
Embassy-Addis Ababa
Embassy-The Hague
Consulate-Hong Kong
Embassy-Kuala Lumpur
Embassy-New Delhi
Consular Affairs (MFA)
Interest Section of Iran Washington D.C.-There is no Iranian diplomatic representation in the US. The interest section handles passport affairs, vital records, student affairs, social affairs, and visa matters.
Permanent Mission of Iran to the U.N in Geneva-Maintains active liaison with UN bodies and international organizations.
Permanent Mission of Iran to the United Nations in New York
-Provides a selection of press releases, statements and official UN documents.
Cultural Affairs Offices
Albania (Closed)
Canada (Closed)
Netherlands (Closed)
Serbia and Montenegro
High Council of Iranians Abroad
Commercial Attaches
Political Parties & Organizations
Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran (Abadgaran)
The Association of Researchers and Lecturers of Qom Seminary
The Association of the Women of the Islamic Republic
Combatant Clergy Association (Jame e-ye rowhaniyat-e mobarez)
Council of Nationalist-Religious Activists of Iran (Melli Mazhabi)
The Democracy Party (Mardomsalari)
Executives of Construction Party (Kargozaran)
The Freedom Movement of Iran (Nehzat-e Azadi-e Iran)
Front of Islamic Revolution Stability (Jebhe Paydari)
Helpers of the Party of God (Ansar-e-Hezbollah)
Islamic Coalition Party (Motalefeh)
Islamic Civilization Party (Hezb-e Tamaddon-e Eslami)
Islamic Iran Participation Front [Jebhe Mosharekat]
Islamic Labour Party
Islamic Society of Engineers
Islamic Students Association
Liberation Movement of Iran - Nehzat-e-Azadi (Banned)
Moderation and Development Party (Tosee va Edalat)
Militant Clerics Society (Majma-e Ruhaniyoun-e Mobarez)
Modern Thinkers Party of Islamic Iran (Noandishan)
Mojahedin of the Islamic Revolution Organization - Mojahedin Enghelab (Banned)
National Trust Party - Etemad-e-Melli (Banned)
National Unity Party (Vahdat Melli)
Office for Strengthening Unity (Daftar-e Tahkim-e Vahdat)
Progress and Justice Population of Islamic Iran
Resistance Front of Islamic Iran (Jebheye Istadegi)
Society of Forces Following the Line of the Imam (Khat-e-Imam)
Society of Devotees of the Islamic Revolution (Jam`iyat-e Isargaran-e Enqelab-e Eslami)
The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom
Steadfastness Front (Jebha-ye paydari-e enqelab-e eslami)
Union of Islamic Iran People's Party (Ettehad-e Mellat-e Iran-e Eslami)
Youth Party Of Iran
Factbox: Parties and politics in Iran's parliamentary election
Political Party in Islamic Republic of Iran: A Review
Iran: Organization and functioning of political parties
Political parties & leaders (Wikipedia)
List of Legally Registered Parties in Iran | Persian
Legal Parties & contact info (Persian)-From the Ministry of Interior
Parties in Iran
Book: Political parties and factions in modern Iran
Political Resources
Election Law
Elections in Iran (ElectionGuide)
Electoral System (IPU)
Elections (IDP)
Iran Electoral Archive
Iranian parliamentary elections Guide
The Landscape of Factional Politics In Iran
Parties Law and Its Relevant Executive Regulations
Leaders of Iran-Heads of state, leaders, prime ministers, foreign ministers and Parliament speakers listed chronologically.
Iran: World Statesmen-Provides a detailed list of rulers and heads of government. Also includes anthems, maps, flags and chronologies.
Imam Khomeini Org-Official site of the founder of the Islamic Republic
Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution
Political Sites
Islamic Scholars
Political Elite (Inside Iran)
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud - Dr.-Member of the Expediency Council & Former President | News
Hossein Amir-Abdollahian - Dr.-Former foreign minister of Iran
Araghchi, Abbass-Current foreign minister of Iran
Bahonar, Mohammad Reza-Conservative law maker and secretary-general of the Islamic Society of Engineers
Ebadi, Shirin
-Nobel Peace laureate
Masumeh Ebtekar-Iran's first woman vice-president.
Ghalibaf, Mohammad-Bagher Ph.D-Mayor of Tehran | Bio
Gholamali Haddad-Adel - Dr.
Former speaker of the Parliament and leader of the conservative Islamic coalition Abadgaran
Jalili, Saeed - Dr.-Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council
Janati-Sanei, Yusef - Ayatollah-Heads the powerful Guardian Council | Official Site
Karbaschi, Gholam-Hossein-Former Tehran Mayor and close ally of Khatami
Karrubi, Mehdi - Hojatoleslam-Member of the Expediency Council and former Speaker of the Parliament
Khamenei, Seyed Ali - Ayatollah
-Supreme Leader (Rahbar and vali-e faqih) is the Chief of State. | News
Kharazi, Kamal - Dr.-Former Foreign Minister
Khatami, Seyed Mohammad - Hojatoleslam
-Former President
Khatami, Seyed Mohammad Reza - Dr.-Secretary General of Islamic Iran Participation Front (IIPF)
Khazaee, Mohammad-Permanent Representative to the UN, New York
Larijani, Ali - Dr.-Chairman of the Iranian parliament. of the Parliament & former Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC). He was Iran's chief nuclear negotiator. | Official Site
Larijani, Mohammad Javad- Head of the Iranian judiciary's Human Rights Council and close advisor to the Leader.
Larijani, Sadeq - Ayatollah-Former head of judiciary and a member of the powerful Guardian Council
Mohajerani, Seyed Ataollah - Dr.-Former Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance
Mousavi - Mir Hossein-Former Prime Minister & Reformist
Mottaki, Manouchehr-Former Foreign Minister.
Namdar Zangeneh, Bijan-Oil Minister.
Nabavi, Behzad-Former deputy speaker of the Parliament & prominent reformist
Qalibaf, Mohammad Baqer - Dr.Mayor of Tehran
Hashemi Rafsanjani, Ali Akbar - Ayatollah
-Former President and Chairman of the the Assembly of Experts
Rezaee, Mohsen - Dr.-Former Chief Commander of IRGC & Presidential Candidate
Rahim Safavi, Yahya - Major General - Chief armed forces advisor to the Supreme Leader & former Chief commander of the Sepah.
Seyed Ebrahim Raisi - Hojatoleslam-Head of Government and the the second-highest ranking government official. Former head of judiciary & chief custodian and trustee of the Astan Quds Razavi.
Rouhani, Hassan - Dr.- Former President and Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC)
Salehi, Ali Akbar-Former Foreign Minister and Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
Sanei, Yousef - Ayatollah-Progressive & liberal views on issues and considered the successor to the late Ayatollah Montazeri.
Hashemi-Shahrudi, Mahmoud - Ayatollah
-First Vice-Chairman of the Iranian Assembly of Experts.
Yazdi, Ebrahim - Dr.-Former Foreign Minister and head of Freedom Movement opposition party
Yazdi, Mesbah - Ayatollah
Velayati, Ali Akbar-Former foreign minister and Khamenei's senior adviser on international affairs.
Zarif, Javad - Dr.-Foreign Minister & Former Representative to the UN, New York
Women in Politics
Membership in International Organizations
Flag & Anthem
National Flag
National Anthem
Iran: Flag-National flags and ensigns currently in use.
Iran: Flag-Historical, local and political Flags of Iran.
Official News
IRNA (Official News Agency)
Related Links
Iran Politics
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